Are you looking for some help? Seeking guidance on grants? We want to make sure that everyone with innovative ideas can find what they need to understand the different opportunities available through the Strategic Innovation Fund.

Last updated: July 17, 2024

We are updating this page as new resources become available, so please check back regularly. 

Strategic Innovation Fund Impact Report

Please use this impact report form to share the outcomes and impacts of your project with the Canada Council for the Arts. The information you provide enables us to better understand and report on the impact of funding and informs our approach to supporting the arts sector.

Eligible applicants can request assistance in completing impact reports.

If you require an alternative format of this form or you have questions, contact the Canada Council at 1-800-263-5588, ext. 4037 or

Upcoming webinars

Digital Generator - Stream 2 Webinars

These webinars are your chance to learn more about the Digital Generator - Stream 2 component of the Strategic Innovation Fund, ask questions, and meet our Program Officers. Register now for an info-session by clicking on the RSVP link below. Sessions are offered in English with ASL and in French with LSQ.

Date Time (Eastern) Language Registration Link

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

2:00 p.m.

English and ASL


Thursday, August 1, 2024

2:00 p.m.

French and LSQ


To make the most of these webinars, please take a moment to review the guidelines beforehand


Find out everything you need to know about our grant components in our downloadable guides!
Booklet – Seed Grant (PDF)
Booklet – Cultivate Grant (PDF)


Are you thinking about applying for an Innovation grant? Watch these videos to learn more.








More Resources

Not sure where your project fits? The following table extracts key information from the application guidelines to help you understand the primary differences between the Seed, Cultivate and Grow components.




What is it? 

A small-scale project grant to kickstart activities to explore, experiment, build capacity and prepare for innovation projects

A medium-scale project grants to implement, pilot and protype innovation projects that will strengthen the arts sector

Multi-year large-scale support for collaborative, game-changing initiatives with the potential for regional, national or international impact

Who can apply? 

Note: A validated Canada Council for the Arts applicant profile is required to apply under each component. 

Individuals, groups and organizations

You don’t need a partner to apply. 

Individuals, groups and organizations

You need a partner to apply. 


You need a partner to apply. 

What is the grant amount? 

Up to $25,000 

Up to $250,000

Up to $1 million

What activities are eligible? 

Activities to explore and develop innovation projects such as research, network building, and project planning

Activities related to all phases of project development and implementation, but they must include a piloting, prototyping, testing and/or implementation phase 

Any activities needed to implement, optimize, scale up or expand an existing project for regional, national or international impact 

Application deadlines and results  

Applications are being accepted now through the Council’s funding portal. 

Apply any time before the start of your project for a decision within three months.  

Applications will be accepted as of February 2022 through the Council’s funding portal. 

Apply by May 11, 2022 for a decision by the end of September 2022. 

Apply by November 16, 2022 for a decision by the end of March 2023.  

The first part of a two-stage application process is now open.  

Submit your Expression of Interest form by April 13, 2022 for a decision by the end of June 2022. 


Applications are assessed by internal or external assessors. 

Evaluation criteria: 

Relevance and impact: 70% 

Feasibility: 30% 

Applications are assessed by external assessors. 

Evaluation criteria: 

Impact: 50% 

Relevance: 30% 

Feasibility: 20% 

Expressions of interest are assessed by a committee that includes Council staff and external experts.  

Evaluation criteria: 

Impact: 50% 

Relevance: 30% 

Feasibility: 20% 

Not sure where your project fits? The following table extracts key information from the application guidelines to help you understand the primary differences between the Digital Generator and Digital Greenhouse components.

Digital Generator: Stream 1 

Digital Generator: Stream 2 

Digital Greenhouse 

What is it? 

A project grant to build your digital capacity and hire an external expert to transform your business model and operations  

A project grant to build your digital capacity and implement recommendations to transform your business model and operations. 

A project grant to leverage digital technology to address sectoral and digital challenges and support the digital transformation of the arts sector 

Who can apply? 

Note: A validated Canada Council for the arts applicant profile is required to apply under each component. 

Groups and organizations.  

You do not need a partner to apply. 

Groups and organizations.  

You do not need a partner to apply. 

You must have a completed digital assessment, audit or plan to apply. 

Individuals, groups and organizations.  

You do not need a partner to apply. 

What is the grant amount? 

Up to $40,000 

Up to $50,000 for projects that benefit a single group or organization

Up to $100,000 for collaborative projects that benefit multiple groups or organizations

Up to $50,000 

What activities are eligible? 

Hiring an external expert to measure digital readiness, identifying digital gaps and opportunities, planning your digital strategy, increasing the digital skills of your staff, and more

Implementing recommendations resulting from an external digital assessment, audit or plan including implementing tools, solutions and strategies

Researching, planning, developing, implementing, testing, evaluating and sharing knowledge to leverage digital technology to address sectoral and digital challenges

Application deadlines  

Applications are being accepted now through the Council’s funding portal.  

Apply any time before the start of your project.  

Decisions are usually rendered within three months of submitting your application. 

Applications are being accepted now through the Council’s funding portal.  

Apply any time before the start of your project.  

Decisions are usually rendered within four months of submitting your application. 

Applications are being accepted now through the Council’s funding portal.  

Apply any time before the start of your project.  

Decisions are usually rendered within three months of submitting your application. 


Applications are assessed by internal or external assessors. 

Evaluation criteria: 

Relevance and impact: 50% 

Feasibility: 50% 

Applications are assessed by internal or external assessors. 

Evaluation criteria: 

Relevance: 50% 

Impact: 30% 

Feasibility: 20% 

Applications are assessed by internal or external assessors. 

Evaluation criteria: 

Impact: 50% 

Relevance: 30% 

Feasibility: 20%