1. Research
  2. Data Tables

Explore our Data

Are you looking to find out who got a grant? Are you looking to find out how our funding is distributed? Do you simply want to explore our data? We’ve got you covered!

The Canada Council for the Arts provides the public with detailed statistical data about its grants in both formatted Excel documents and machine readable format (.csv). Data can be sorted by program and region (for example, community and census metropolitan area), and can be added to other databases on arts and culture activities and organizations in Canada. You can also take a look at the Council’s Corporate Scorecard, Overview of Canada Council Funding table and Parliamentary Appropriation tables to find provincial and territorial breakdowns of funding and statistics, as well as historical funding figures.

CADAC (Canadian Arts Data / Données sur les arts au Canada) provides access to Explore Our Data, a data analytics tool which includes open public access to aggregate data reports sourced from its database of over 1800 arts organizations. Data reports are made available using PowerBI, a data visualization software which generates aggregate reports and datasets that can be mined with a variety of filters.

The Art Bank's collection data is available to researchers, students, media or anyone interested in Canadian contemporary art. Download the open data in Excel (includes methodology) or CSV format.





Annual Report
