Acknowledge the Canada Council for the Arts’ support and communicate the public value of the arts
If you’ve received a prize from the Canada Council for the Arts, we encourage you to share this news. The recognition of your work via a Canada Council for the Arts prize is a testament to the calibre of your work. It also helps us demonstrate the public value of the arts and arts funding.
What can I include in my acknowledgement?
Please acknowledge your Canada Council for the Arts prize in any communications related to the prize you received. We also encourage you to reference your prize with a mention of the Canada Council for the Arts in any printed or online biographies, on your personal website and in social media.
Whenever possible, pair our logo (downloadable below) with one of the following written messages according to the prize you received:
Canada Council for the Arts’ Musical Instrument Bank |
[Name] performs on the [specific name of the instrument], on loan from the Canada Council for the Arts’ Musical Instrument Bank. |
Governor General’s Awards in Visual and Media Arts |
Winner of a [insert year] Governor General’s Award in Visual and Media Arts, part of the Canada Council for the Arts’ suite of prizes. |
Governor General’s Literary Awards |
Winner of the [insert year] Governor General’s Literary Award for [insert category], part of the Canada Council for the Arts’ suite of prizes. |
Governor General’s Performing Arts Awards |
Winner of the [insert year] Governor General’s Performing Arts Award for Lifetime Artistic Achievement, provided by the Canada Council for the Arts. |
Other Prizes and Awards |
Winner of the [insert year] [insert full prize name], administered by the Canada Council for the Arts. Or, We/I would like to acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts through the [full name of prize]. |
Make sure your written acknowledgement uses the name of the Canada Council for the Arts (do not shorten to CCA or Canada Council) and of the prize in full.
Where can I include an acknowledgement?
Include an acknowledgement of our support at events, online and on social media, as well as in other promotional material related to the prize you received.
At events |
Whenever possible, include the Canada Council for the Arts’ logo and written message (see above) on all printed event materials, including:
Acknowledge the Canada Council for the Arts’ support in any speeches given at your event(s). |
Online and on social media |
You can refer to this section of our website to determine which social media accounts to tag us in. If you are unsure of how to recognize the Canada Council’s support on social media, please email us at |
Official languages
We encourage you to acknowledge the Canada Council for the Arts’ support in both official languages, as there are French-speaking audiences in the country’s English-speaking regions, as well as English-speaking audiences in Quebec. All written messages are available in French here.
We want to acknowledge your work too!
We highlight the successes of our prize recipients on the Canada Council for the Arts website, social media, at events like award ceremonies, and more. In order for us to do this, please share any relevant information to the program officer responsible for the prize you received.
Did you receive a grant?
Acknowledging grants
Visual brand guidelines
Our brand is more than a logo. It’s an experience and a personality that communicates the essence of our values. The brand personality attributes of the Canada Council for the Arts' are open, vibrant and connected.
Our guidelines are a resource that everyone can use to understand how to represent and apply the Canada Council’s brand elements a consistent manner.
The Canada Council for the Arts’ logo
For our various communities and stakeholders, our logo is the most visible representation of the organization, our people and our brand.
We use it across all our communications. It is a valuable corporate asset that must be used consistently in the proper, approved forms.