Info Source 2025
Introduction to Info Source
Info Source describes the programs and activities, and the information holdings related to programs and activities, of government institutions subject to the Access to Information Act to facilitate the right of access. It also provides individuals, including current and former employees of the Government of Canada, with relevant information to access personal information about themselves held by government institutions subject to the Privacy Act and to exercise their rights under the Privacy Act.
An index of institutions that are subject to the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act is available centrally.
The Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act assign overall responsibility to the President of Treasury Board (as the designated Minister) for the government-wide administration of the legislation.
The Canada Council for the Arts is a federal, arm’s-length Crown corporation created by an Act of Parliament in 1957 (Canada Council for the Arts Act) “to foster and promote the study and enjoyment of, and the production of works in, the arts,” reporting to Parliament through the Minister of Canadian Culture and Identity.
The Canada Council is governed by an 11-member Board Members of the Board and the Director and CEO of the Canada Council are appointed by the Governor in Council for fixed terms. The Board meets at least three times a year and is responsible for the oversight of the organization’s policies, programs, budgets and grant decisions.
Peer assessment is the basis for the majority of the Canada Council’s funding decisions. The Canada Council’s commitment to peer assessment is based on the conviction that it is the best possible means of identifying outstanding ability and artistic merit.
The Canada Council works in close cooperation with federal, provincial, territorial and municipal arts funders, cultural agencies and departments.
The Canada Council for the Arts offers a broad range of grants and services to professional Canadian artists and arts organizations and raises public awareness and appreciation of the arts through its communications, research and arts promotion activities. Our prizes and fellowships celebrate creativity by recognizing exceptional Canadians in the arts, humanities and sciences. The Canadian Commission for UNESCO, which operates under the general authority of the Council, aims to create a society in which Canadians share knowledge and learn from each other, locally and globally, in order to build peaceful, equitable and sustainable futures.
Institutional functions, programs and activities
Application Files for Artists, Groups and Organizations
The Canada Council helps individual artists, groups and arts organizations engage in projects and activities. Grants are available for Canadian citizens or permanent residents who have specialized training — though not necessarily in an academic setting — and are recognized as professionals by other artists in the field of practice.
There are six programs to which Artists, Groups and Organizations may apply:
- Explore and Create;
- Engage and Sustain;
- Creating, Knowing and Sharing: The Arts and Cultures of First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples;
- Supporting Artistic Practice;
- Arts Across Canada; and
- Arts Abroad.
Applicants are subject to pre-established eligibility and other entitlement criteria and may be required to report on results achieved. The Canada Council will make information on grants and contributions available through proactive disclosure for those above $25,000
Application Files for Artists, Groups and Organizations - Class of Records
Description: Includes records related to the administration of grants, including profile registration, account information, online applications and supplementary forms such as appendices or budgets, and sometimes support material submitted by artists, groups and organizations, and are used in determining eligibility and during the assessment process to determine funding decisions and supplement grants, preparing statistical reports, analytics and annual reports.
Document Types: Applicant profile, organizational or group details and structure, applications, support material (may include copyright or intellectual property materials), biographical information, letters of support, agreements, partnerships, assessments, financial and organizational analysis, funding decisions, audits, interim reports, project updates, impact reports, final report extensions, final reports, requests, correspondence.
Record Number: CCA ART 020
Artistic Groups and Organizations - Personal Information Bank
Description: Registration to validate organization/group applicants eligibility and program application content. Specifically, the bank contains information such as the name, contact information, citizenship status, equity information, language, biographical information, financial information, royalties, support material (may include copyright or intellectual property materials); third party agreements, letters of invitation, letters of support, and opinions and views of, or about individuals; project updates, final reports, request for extension.
Class of Individuals: Artistic insitution’s administrative personnel, artists, third parties as applicants, partners, consultants, workshop leaders, mentors, agents, managers. It may include information about other artists, or third parties as applicants; mentors.
Purpose: The personal information is used to communicate with applicants, to validate eligiblity, referenced in the decision-making processes, and decide funding outcomes in the administration of Canada Council program components. Personal information is collected pursuant to subsection 8(1) of the Canada Council for the Arts Act.
Consistent Uses: Consistent with this purpose, personal information held by the Canada Council may be used and disclosed in the following ways:
- as part of the peer assessment process, applications are disclosed to peer assessor committees composed of experts recruited from the arts sectors. In some programs, applications may also be reviewed by external assessors, or internal assessors (Canada Council staff experts). Personal information may be used to determine eligibility and reviewed in the assessment process. This includes assessing the organizational make-up, diversity of the geographical community or region, particulatry with regards to inclusion and engagement of First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples, culturally diverse groups, people who are Deaf or have disabilities, and official language minority communities;
- to identify and select prospective peer assessors of applications submitted to the Canada Council, and to serve as an additional pool of potential committee members peer assessors and external assessors;
- in consultation with other Canadian arts funders, including federal, provincial or municipal government institutions to confirm funding sources;
- Information submitted to programs in which the Council maintains a partnership may be used and disclosed consistent with that program guideline as required;
- to proactively publish and disseminate certain details about grant recipients. These include the name of the applicant, city, province, census area, riding, award type, amount awarded, the field of practice and the project title, submitted by the applicant for public reference;
- for program planning, evaluation and review, in audits, and for generating statistics for these activities;
- to generate mailing lists in order to disseminate its publications, surveys and other information to the arts community;
- Contact information, provided during the online registration process, may be used to identify and contact users when routine systems monitoring reveals that they may require technical assistance;
- share information with other government departments, organizations and contractors with whom the Canada Council has a data sharing agreement.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Applications that do not receive funding are retained for three years, then destroyed. Applications that receive funding are retained for 20 years, and are then disposed of in accordance with the standards set by Library and Archives Canada, or in particular cases are retained for longer periods for business purposes.
RDA Number: 2017/015
Related Record Number: CC ART 020, CC ART 021, CC ART 022, CC ART 005, CC ART 015, CC ART 016, CC ART 018, CC OUT 007
TBS Registration: TBD
Bank Number: CC ART 201 -
Artists - Personal Information Bank
Description: Registration to validate applicant and activity eligibility, and applications to program components for funds in support of professional artistic activity by an artist or artistic group. Grants are available for Canadian citizens or permanent residents who have specialized training and are recognized as professionals by other artists in the field of practice. Grants provided to individuals are principally used for creation, production and presenting works as well as professional development, residency, travel and the development of the sector. Funding recommendations made by Peer Assessment Committees. Specifically, the bank contains information such as name, contact information, biographical information, curriculum vitae, citizenship status, equity information, language, year of birth, identification number, social insurance number (SIN) (successful only), financial information, royalties, support material (may include copyright or intellectual property materials), agreements, letters of invitation, and opinions and views of, or about, individuals. It may include information about other artists, or third parties as applicants; mentors; project update form, final reports, request for extension.
Class of Individuals: Registered artists or artistic groups; third parties as applicants; partners; mentors.
Purpose: This information is collected to validate applicants for eligibilty, to make funding determinations during the assessment process based on quality of artistic work, and the impact of that work in relation to program objectives for eligiblity; to award prizes; to create transaction files on payments to funded applicants and issue T4A slips (Income Tax Act, paragraph 237 (1)(b)), using the funded applicant’s social insurance number; to proactively publish a list of recipients to Canada Council’s website; and for public relations purposes. Names and contact information of private teachers, mentors are collected in support of the applicant. Personal information is collected pursuant to subsection 8(1) of the Canada Council for the Arts Act.
Consistent Uses: Consistent with this purpose, personal information held by the Canada Council may be used and disclosed in the following ways:
- as part of the peer assessment process, applications are disclosed to peer assessor committees composed of experts recruited from the arts sectors. In some programs, applications may also be reviewed by external assessors, or internal assessors (Canada Council staff experts). Personal information may be used to determine eligibility, and are also reviewed in the assessment process;
- to issue T4A slips (Income Tax Act, paragraph 237 (1)(b)), using the funded applicant’s social insurance number;
- to identify prospective advisory committee members and peer assessors to review applications;
- in consultation with other Canadian arts funders, including federal, provincial or municipal government institutions to confirm funding sources;
- Information submitted to programs in which the Council maintains a partnership may be used and disclosed consistent with that program guideline as required;
- to proactively publish and disseminate certain details about grant recipients. These include the name of the applicant, city, province, census area, riding, award type, amount awarded, the discipline or arts practice and the project title, submitted by the applicant for public reference;
- for program planning, evaluation and review, in audits, and for generating statistics for these activities;
- to generate mailing lists in order to disseminate its publications and other information to the arts community;
- disclosure of names and email addresses for specific activities related to prize promotion and celebrations. These are usually the responsibility of the Prizes unit but are, in many cases, performed for Council related programs or activities by a third party (for example, invitations to a prize ceremony at Rideau Hall, invitations to submit a nomination for a prize). Consent will be requested;
- Contact information, provided during the online registration process, may be used to identify and contact users when routine systems monitoring reveals that they may require technical assistance;
- share information with other government departments, organizations and contractors with whom the Canada Council has a data sharing agreement.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Applications that do not receive funding are retained for three years, and are then disposed of in accordance with the standards set by Library and Archives Canada. Applications that receive funding are retained for 20 years, and are then disposed of in accordance with the standards set by Library and Archives Canada, or in particular cases retained for longer periods for business purposes.
RDA Number: 2017/015
Related Record Number: CC ART 020, CC ART 021, CC ART 022, CC ART 005, CC ART 015, CC ART 016, CC ART 018, CC OUT 007
TBS Registration: TBD
Bank Number: CC ART 202 -
Voluntary Self-identification - Personal Information Bank
Description: The records containing the information described in this bank include personal information provided voluntarily by applicants and potential peer assessors such as name, year of birth, contact information, citizenship status, language, gender, equity information, which is collected by means of an online questionnaire into an automated data system.
Class of individuals: Individual artists and artistic groups applying to Canada Council funding programs, nominees, and individuals who provide assessments, and potential or active peer assessors.
Purpose: Individuals have the opportunity to self-identify and as a result may have access to particular funding opportunities that advance their artistic practices and sectors. The personal information provides direction for the Equity Priority, the Strategic Funds and the goals of the Strategic Plan in the targeted support of artists and organizations working in their official language within an Official-language minority community; identify artists and organizations, due to geography, cultural and linguistic differences, or disability, in need of targeted support to flourish and succeed. Strategic Funds operate alongside the granting programs and require voluntary self-identification to facilitate the delivery of Strategic Funds.
Consistent Uses: The information gathered will be used for institutional purposes to:
- advance Strategic plan and equity commitments;
- generate statistics that will measure the effectiveness of support for activities or applicants that are targeted by strategic funds;
- ensure peer assessment and advisory committees composition achieves a balance of participation over time;
- design, review and evaluation of its programs;
- report to the Canada Council Board and committees;
- share information with other government departments, organizations and contractors with whom the Canada Council has a data sharing agreement;
- disclosure of names and email addresses for specific activities related to prize promotion and celebrations. These are usually the responsibility of the Prizes unit but are, in many cases, performed for Council related programs or activities by a third party (for example, invitations to a prize ceremony at Rideau Hall, invitations to submit a nomination for a prize). Consent will be requested.
Retention and Disposition Standards: Completed forms are retained for 2 years and are then disposed of in accordance with the standards set by Library and Archives Canada.
RDA Number: 2017/015
Related Record Number: CC ART 020, CC ART 021, CC ART 022, CC ART 005, CC ART 015, CC ART 016, CC ART 018, CC OUT 007
TBS Registration: TBD
Bank Number: CC PPU 203
Arts Tracking System (ATS) - Personal Information Bank
Description: Arts Tracking system (ATS) is a corporate database system used for the Canada Council's operations and activities that contains electronic records supporting the Canada Council's business functions, programs, prizes and activities throughout its life-cycle. It provides a single repository for: applicant registration and peer assessor management; the control and monitoring of disbursements to, and accounts receivable from, individual and artistic institutions grant holders; and the mailing lists for the distribution of information about the Canada Council. This data may include the individual’s name, contact information, year of birth, gender, language, citizenship, biographical information. A contact identification number permanently identifies each registered applicant or contact. For successful applicants, the following information about an individual is captured: social insurance number, financial information for funds committed. For mailing purposes, the names and contact information are either provided directly by individuals or obtained from artistic institutions, through employee and board of directors listings, or reference material commonly available in libraries. ATS is linked to the portal, the CADAC (Canadian Arts Data / Données sur les arts au Canada) for arts organizations applying for core funding, the Financial Management System and the Information Management System. Each record has a unique reference number which identifies a contact
Class of Individuals: Canada Council clients such as: applicant registering an application; assessor acting in a Peer Assessment Committee, or external assessment; art organizations’ personnel and board members; nominees; Members of Parliament; Canadian federal, provincial and municipal government staff; media contacts; mailing contacts; and Canada Council advisory committee members and Board members, and Council staff for internal assessment purposes.
Purpose: The information is used to determine eligibility for and administration of its funding programs, to identify and select prospective peer assessors, and to serve as a pool of potential disciplinary advisory committee members; for administrative and financial control and reporting; to issue T4A slips (Income Tax Act, paragraph 237 (1)(b)), using the applicant’s social insurance number; to publish and disseminate Canada Council’s application guidelines; and for public relations purposes. Personal information is collected pursuant to subsection 8(1) of the Canada Council for the Arts Act.
Consistent Uses: Consistent with this purpose, personal information held by the Canada Council may be used and disclosed in the following ways:
- As part of the peer assessment process, applications are disclosed to peer assessor committees composed of professional experts recruited from the artistic community, in the private and public sectors. In some programs, applications may also be reviewed by external assessors, members of ad hoc review committees or internal committees. A summation of Peer assessor discussions are accessible to applicants upon request;
- to identify prospective peer assessor committee members and external assessors to review grant applications;
- in consultation with other federal, provincial or municipal funding agencies to determine the most appropriate review mechanism or source of funding. In some cases, where applications are deemed to be more appropriately supported by another funding agency, and the complete applications may then be transferred to expedite the review process;
- Information submitted to programs in which the Council maintains a partnership may be used and disclosed consistent with that program guideline as required;
- to proactively publish and disseminate certain details about grant recipients. These include the name of the applicant, city, province, census area, riding, award type, amount awarded, the fields of practice and the project title, submitted by the applicant for public reference;
- for program planning, evaluation and review, in audits, and for generating statistics for these activities;
- to generate mailing lists in order to disseminate its publications, surveys and other information to the artistic community;
- disclosure of names and email addresses for specific activities related to prize promotion and celebrations. These are usually the responsibility of the Prizes unit but are, in many cases, performed for Council related programs or activities by a third party (for example, invitations to a prize ceremony at Rideau Hall, invitations to submit a nomination for a prize). Consent will be requested;
- Contact information that is provided during the Arts Tracking system (ATS) registration online process is used by the Canada Council’s technical staff to identify and contact users when routine systems monitoring reveals that they may require technical assistance;
- The peer assessor nomination and registration is stored in ATS, to identify, select and communicate with prospective peer assessors;
- share information with other government departments, organizations and contractors with whom the Canada Council has a data sharing agreement.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Program grant files are arranged in groups based on competition. Applications, in particular, cases are retained for longer periods for business purposes.
RDA Number: 2002/009
Related Record Number: CC ART 020, CC ART 021, CC ART 022, CC ART 005. CC ART 015, CC ART 016, CC ART 018, CC OUT 007
TBS Registration: 004244
Bank Number: CC PPU 020
Strategic Funds
In addition to its six regular programs, the Canada Council for the Arts makes use of strategic, targeted funds that respond to particular opportunities or issues in the arts sector. There are 5 funds:
- Digital Strategy Fund supports digital transformation in the arts sector in Canada through the following 3 components: Digital Literacy and Intelligence, Public Access to the Arts and Cultural Engagement and Transformation of Organizations;
- Access Support Fund funds individual applicants who are Deaf, have disabilities or who are living with mental illness, as well as Deaf and disability arts groups and organizations by providing a contribution towards costs for specific services and supports required to complete a project funded through a Canada Council program;
- Official Languages Fund supports Canadian professional artists, arts professionals, artistic groups and arts organizations whose maternal or chosen official language is not the majority language in their province or territory (Official Language Minority Communities, or “OLMCs”);
- Market Access Strategy for Official Language Minority Communities (OLMC) Fund supports Canadian professional artists, arts professionals, artistic groups and arts organizations who belong to an Official Language Minority Community (OLMC). An OLMC is defined as a group of people whose maternal or chosen official language is not the majority language in their province or territory. In other words, Anglophones in Quebec and Francophones outside of Quebec; and,
- Media Arts Equipment Acquisition Fund supports Canadian professional media arts organizations to develop technical infrastructure that fosters conditions necessary for the vitality and advancement of independent media arts in Canada.
Strategic Funds - Class of Records
Description: Includes records related to the administration of additional funding applied to an approved grant for a strategic fund, and used in processing applications, preparing statistical reports and annual reports.
Document Types: Applicant profile, organizational or group details and structure, applications, support material (may include copyright or intellectual property materials), biographical information, letters of support, agreements, partnerships, assessments, financial and organizational analysis, funding decisions, audits, correspondence.
Record Number: CCA ART 021
Artists - Personal Information Bank
Description: Registration to validate applicant and activity eligibility, and applications to program components for funds in support of professional artistic activity by an artist or artistic group. Grants are available for Canadian citizens or permanent residents who have specialized training and are recognized as professionals by other artists in the field of practice. Grants provided to individuals are principally used for creation, production and presenting works as well as professional development, residency, travel and the development of the sector. Funding recommendations made by Peer Assessment Committees. Specifically, the bank contains information such as name, contact information, biographical information, curriculum vitae, citizenship status, equity information, language, year of birth, identification number, social insurance number (SIN) (successful only), financial information, royalties, support material (may include copyright or intellectual property materials), agreements, letters of invitation, and opinions and views of, or about, individuals. It may include information about other artists, or third parties as applicants; mentors; project update form, final reports, request for extension.
Class of Individuals: Registered artists or artistic groups; third parties as applicants; partners; mentors.
Purpose: This information is collected to validate applicants for eligibilty, to make funding determinations during the assessment process based on quality of artistic work, and the impact of that work in relation to program objectives for eligiblity; to award prizes; to create transaction files on payments to funded applicants and issue T4A slips (Income Tax Act, paragraph 237 (1)(b)), using the funded applicant’s social insurance number; to proactively publish a list of recipients to Canada Council’s website; and for public relations purposes. Names and contact information of private teachers, mentors are collected in support of the applicant. Personal information is collected pursuant to subsection 8(1) of the Canada Council for the Arts Act.
Consistent Uses: Consistent with this purpose, personal information held by the Canada Council may be used and disclosed in the following ways:
- as part of the peer assessment process, applications are disclosed to peer assessor committees composed of experts recruited from the arts sectors. In some programs, applications may also be reviewed by external assessors, or internal assessors (Canada Council staff experts). Personal information may be used to determine eligibility, and are also reviewed in the assessment process;
- to issue T4A slips (Income Tax Act, paragraph 237 (1)(b)), using the funded applicant’s social insurance number;
- to identify prospective advisory committee members and peer assessors to review applications;
- in consultation with other Canadian arts funders, including federal, provincial or municipal government institutions to confirm funding sources;
- Information submitted to programs in which the Council maintains a partnership may be used and disclosed consistent with that program guideline as required;
- to proactively publish and disseminate certain details about grant recipients. These include the name of the applicant, city, province, census area, riding, award type, amount awarded, the discipline or arts practice and the project title, submitted by the applicant for public reference;
- for program planning, evaluation and review, in audits, and for generating statistics for these activities;
- to generate mailing lists in order to disseminate its publications and other information to the arts community;
- disclosure of names and email addresses for specific activities related to prize promotion and celebrations. These are usually the responsibility of the Prizes unit but are, in many cases, performed for Council related programs or activities by a third party (for example, invitations to a prize ceremony at Rideau Hall, invitations to submit a nomination for a prize). Consent will be requested;
- Contact information, provided during the online registration process, may be used to identify and contact users when routine systems monitoring reveals that they may require technical assistance;
- share information with other government departments, organizations and contractors with whom the Canada Council has a data sharing agreement.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Applications that do not receive funding are retained for three years, and are then disposed of in accordance with the standards set by Library and Archives Canada. Applications that receive funding are retained for 20 years, and are then disposed of in accordance with the standards set by Library and Archives Canada, or in particular cases retained for longer periods for business purposes.
RDA Number: 2017/015
Related Record Number: CC ART 020, CC ART 021, CC ART 022, CC ART 005, CC ART 015, CC ART 016, CC ART 018, CC OUT 007
TBS Registration: TBD
Bank Number: CC ART 202 -
Artistic Groups and Organizations - Personal Information Bank
Description: Registration to validate organization/group applicants eligibility and program application content. Specifically, the bank contains information such as the name, contact information, citizenship status, equity information, language, biographical information, financial information, royalties, support material (may include copyright or intellectual property materials); third party agreements, letters of invitation, letters of support, and opinions and views of, or about individuals; project updates, final reports, request for extension.
Class of Individuals: Artistic insitution’s administrative personnel, artists, third parties as applicants, partners, consultants, workshop leaders, mentors, agents, managers. It may include information about other artists, or third parties as applicants; mentors.
Purpose: The personal information is used to communicate with applicants, to validate eligiblity, referenced in the decision-making processes, and decide funding outcomes in the administration of Canada Council program components. Personal information is collected pursuant to subsection 8(1) of the Canada Council for the Arts Act.
Consistent Uses: Consistent with this purpose, personal information held by the Canada Council may be used and disclosed in the following ways:
- as part of the peer assessment process, applications are disclosed to peer assessor committees composed of experts recruited from the arts sectors. In some programs, applications may also be reviewed by external assessors, or internal assessors (Canada Council staff experts). Personal information may be used to determine eligibility and reviewed in the assessment process. This includes assessing the organizational make-up, diversity of the geographical community or region, particulatry with regards to inclusion and engagement of First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples, culturally diverse groups, people who are Deaf or have disabilities, and official language minority communities;
- to identify and select prospective peer assessors of applications submitted to the Canada Council, and to serve as an additional pool of potential committee members peer assessors and external assessors;
- in consultation with other Canadian arts funders, including federal, provincial or municipal government institutions to confirm funding sources;
- Information submitted to programs in which the Council maintains a partnership may be used and disclosed consistent with that program guideline as required;
- to proactively publish and disseminate certain details about grant recipients. These include the name of the applicant, city, province, census area, riding, award type, amount awarded, the field of practice and the project title, submitted by the applicant for public reference;
- for program planning, evaluation and review, in audits, and for generating statistics for these activities;
- to generate mailing lists in order to disseminate its publications, surveys and other information to the arts community;
- Contact information, provided during the online registration process, may be used to identify and contact users when routine systems monitoring reveals that they may require technical assistance;
- share information with other government departments, organizations and contractors with whom the Canada Council has a data sharing agreement.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Applications that do not receive funding are retained for three years, then destroyed. Applications that receive funding are retained for 20 years, and are then disposed of in accordance with the standards set by Library and Archives Canada, or in particular cases are retained for longer periods for business purposes.
RDA Number: 2017/015
Related Record Number: CC ART 020, CC ART 021, CC ART 022, CC ART 005, CC ART 015, CC ART 016, CC ART 018, CC OUT 007
TBS Registration: TBD
Bank Number: CC ART 201 -
Voluntary Self-identification - Personal Information Bank
Description: The records containing the information described in this bank include personal information provided voluntarily by applicants and potential peer assessors such as name, year of birth, contact information, citizenship status, language, gender, equity information, which is collected by means of an online questionnaire into an automated data system.
Class of individuals: Individual artists and artistic groups applying to Canada Council funding programs, nominees, and individuals who provide assessments, and potential or active peer assessors.
Purpose: Individuals have the opportunity to self-identify and as a result may have access to particular funding opportunities that advance their artistic practices and sectors. The personal information provides direction for the Equity Priority, the Strategic Funds and the goals of the Strategic Plan in the targeted support of artists and organizations working in their official language within an Official-language minority community; identify artists and organizations, due to geography, cultural and linguistic differences, or disability, in need of targeted support to flourish and succeed. Strategic Funds operate alongside the granting programs and require voluntary self-identification to facilitate the delivery of Strategic Funds.
Consistent Uses: The information gathered will be used for institutional purposes to:
- advance Strategic plan and equity commitments;
- generate statistics that will measure the effectiveness of support for activities or applicants that are targeted by strategic funds;
- ensure peer assessment and advisory committees composition achieves a balance of participation over time;
- design, review and evaluation of its programs;
- report to the Canada Council Board and committees;
- share information with other government departments, organizations and contractors with whom the Canada Council has a data sharing agreement;
- disclosure of names and email addresses for specific activities related to prize promotion and celebrations. These are usually the responsibility of the Prizes unit but are, in many cases, performed for Council related programs or activities by a third party (for example, invitations to a prize ceremony at Rideau Hall, invitations to submit a nomination for a prize). Consent will be requested.
Retention and Disposition Standards: Completed forms are retained for 2 years and are then disposed of in accordance with the standards set by Library and Archives Canada.
RDA Number: 2017/015
Related Record Number: CC ART 020, CC ART 021, CC ART 022, CC ART 005, CC ART 015, CC ART 016, CC ART 018, CC OUT 007
TBS Registration: TBD
Bank Number: CC PPU 203 -
Arts Tracking System (ATS) - Personal Information Bank
Description: Arts Tracking system (ATS) is a corporate database system used for the Canada Council's operations and activities that contains electronic records supporting the Canada Council's business functions, programs, prizes and activities throughout its life-cycle. It provides a single repository for: applicant registration and peer assessor management; the control and monitoring of disbursements to, and accounts receivable from, individual and artistic institutions grant holders; and the mailing lists for the distribution of information about the Canada Council. This data may include the individual’s name, contact information, year of birth, gender, language, citizenship, biographical information. A contact identification number permanently identifies each registered applicant or contact. For successful applicants, the following information about an individual is captured: social insurance number, financial information for funds committed. For mailing purposes, the names and contact information are either provided directly by individuals or obtained from artistic institutions, through employee and board of directors listings, or reference material commonly available in libraries. ATS is linked to the portal, the CADAC (Canadian Arts Data / Données sur les arts au Canada) for arts organizations applying for core funding, the Financial Management System and the Information Management System. Each record has a unique reference number which identifies a contact
Class of Individuals: Canada Council clients such as: applicant registering an application; assessor acting in a Peer Assessment Committee, or external assessment; art organizations’ personnel and board members; nominees; Members of Parliament; Canadian federal, provincial and municipal government staff; media contacts; mailing contacts; and Canada Council advisory committee members and Board members, and Council staff for internal assessment purposes.
Purpose: The information is used to determine eligibility for and administration of its funding programs, to identify and select prospective peer assessors, and to serve as a pool of potential disciplinary advisory committee members; for administrative and financial control and reporting; to issue T4A slips (Income Tax Act, paragraph 237 (1)(b)), using the applicant’s social insurance number; to publish and disseminate Canada Council’s application guidelines; and for public relations purposes. Personal information is collected pursuant to subsection 8(1) of the Canada Council for the Arts Act.
Consistent Uses: Consistent with this purpose, personal information held by the Canada Council may be used and disclosed in the following ways:
- As part of the peer assessment process, applications are disclosed to peer assessor committees composed of professional experts recruited from the artistic community, in the private and public sectors. In some programs, applications may also be reviewed by external assessors, members of ad hoc review committees or internal committees. A summation of Peer assessor discussions are accessible to applicants upon request;
- to identify prospective peer assessor committee members and external assessors to review grant applications;
- in consultation with other federal, provincial or municipal funding agencies to determine the most appropriate review mechanism or source of funding. In some cases, where applications are deemed to be more appropriately supported by another funding agency, and the complete applications may then be transferred to expedite the review process;
- Information submitted to programs in which the Council maintains a partnership may be used and disclosed consistent with that program guideline as required;
- to proactively publish and disseminate certain details about grant recipients. These include the name of the applicant, city, province, census area, riding, award type, amount awarded, the fields of practice and the project title, submitted by the applicant for public reference;
- for program planning, evaluation and review, in audits, and for generating statistics for these activities;
- to generate mailing lists in order to disseminate its publications, surveys and other information to the artistic community;
- disclosure of names and email addresses for specific activities related to prize promotion and celebrations. These are usually the responsibility of the Prizes unit but are, in many cases, performed for Council related programs or activities by a third party (for example, invitations to a prize ceremony at Rideau Hall, invitations to submit a nomination for a prize). Consent will be requested;
- Contact information that is provided during the Arts Tracking system (ATS) registration online process is used by the Canada Council’s technical staff to identify and contact users when routine systems monitoring reveals that they may require technical assistance;
- The peer assessor nomination and registration is stored in ATS, to identify, select and communicate with prospective peer assessors;
- share information with other government departments, organizations and contractors with whom the Canada Council has a data sharing agreement.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Program grant files are arranged in groups based on competition. Applications, in particular, cases are retained for longer periods for business purposes.
RDA Number: 2002/009
Related Record Number: CC ART 020, CC ART 021, CC ART 022, CC ART 005. CC ART 015, CC ART 016, CC ART 018, CC OUT 007
TBS Registration: 004244
Bank Number: CC PPU 020
Peer Nominations and Peer Assessment Committee Members
Peer assessment is the basis for the majority of the Canada Council’s funding decisions. Some applications are assessed by internal committees of program staff when artistic merit is not the primary criterion (e. g., Travel, Professional Development, and Access Support). Peer assessment committees (PAC) are composed of a diverse range of artists and arts professionals evaluate, score and rank eligible applications. The Canada Council engages artists and arts professionals for its peer assessment committees. Peer committee members are selected for diversity of: professional specialization; artistic practice; demographics (age, gender, ethnicity); and region. Program Officers compose committees with appropriate knowledge and expertise based on the applications received, with final approval by the Program Director.
Peer Registration and Peer Assessment Committee (PAC) Members - Class of Records
Description: Includes records related to decision-making, ranking to determine merit and sign-off process identifying applications that are “recommended” or “unsuccessful”, the potential for increases or decreases in funding.
Document Types: Procedures, committee composition, approval and sign-off forms; letters of invitations; PAC registration; budgets; expense reports; participation and access requirements questionnaire; surveys; peer self-identification; committee meeting sign-off form; final PAC score sheets; financial worksheet; consensus notes of committee’s assessment based on criteria; PAC statistical reports; report on grants and New Funding Model dashboard; correspondence.
Record Number: CCA ART 022
Peer Registration and Peer Assessment Committee (PAC) Members – Personal Information Bank
Description: Peer assessment is the basis for the majority of the Canada Council's funding decisions. This bank describes personal information that is used in support of nominations/registrations submitted by individuals with expertise in diverse parts of the arts sector, including disciplinary knowledge and other expertise (such as administration). Peer assessment committees, composed of a diverse range of artists and arts professionals evaluate, score and rank eligible applications. The peer committee’s role is to provide a qualitative assessment of grant applications. Personal information about the potential peer assessors may include: full name, year of birth, curriculum vitae, funding currently or previously held, occupation, professional affiliation and experience, research proposals, letters of reference, citizenship (Canadian, permanent resident), language of correspondence (English or French), voluntary self-identification information. It includes external assessors’ and internal assessors’ evaluations, scores, and recommendations. This bank also contains the financial documentation generated in the administration of the peer assessment process. With consent, information related to equity, diversity and inclusion may be collected from the peer assessor nominees or registrants, through a voluntary self-identification survey. Full name, contact information and preferred language of correspondence are collected for communications purposes. Personal information is collected under the authority of section 8 of the Canada Council for the Arts Act.
Class of Individuals: Peer assessment committee members composed of artists and arts professionals.
Purpose: The personal information is collected for nomination/registration purposes. Program officers propose the composition of those committees for which they are responsible on the basis of three factors: diversity of professional specialization; diversity of artistic practices; and characteristics that contribute to the representativeness and credibility of peer committees, namely demographic diversity, Indigenous peoples, cultural diversity, gender, age, official languages, regions, persons with disabilities and Deaf people. Final composition of the committee is approved by the Program Director.
Consistent Uses: The information gathered will be used for institutional purposes to:
- Identify areas of expertise of potential PAC members;
- gather information on the access needs of PAC members;
- advance equity commitments;
- ensure peer assessment and advisory committees composition achieves a balance of participation over time;
- document PAC member Conflict of Interest Disclosure and Confidentiality;
- document PAC recommendations through score sheets and rankings, notes and synopsis of consensus of committee’s assessment based on criteria, if applicable, and overview report;
- report to the Canada Council Board and committees;
- document PAC member expenses, payments, and to issue T4A slips (Income Tax Act, paragraph 237 (1)(b)), using the PAC member’s social insurance number;
- share information with other government departments, organizations and contractors with whom the Canada Council has a data sharing agreement;
- for program planning, evaluation and review, in audits, and for generating statistics for these activities..
Retention and Disposal Standards: Peer nomination and PAC member self-identification information are retained at the Council; Inactive registrations / nominations are retained for a period of 3 years following last activity and are then disposed of in accordance with the standards set by Library and Archives Canada. Active registrations / nominations are retained for a period of 20 years following last activity and are then disposed of in accordance with the standards set by Library and Archives Canada.
RDA Number: 2017/015
Related Record Number: CC ART 020, CC ART 021, CC ART 022, CC ART 001, CC ART 005, CC ART 015, CC ART 016, CC ART 018, CC OUT 007
TBS Registration: TBD
Bank Number: CC PPU 204 -
Arts Tracking System (ATS) - Personal Information Bank
Description: Arts Tracking system (ATS) is a corporate database system used for the Canada Council's operations and activities that contains electronic records supporting the Canada Council's business functions, programs, prizes and activities throughout its life-cycle. It provides a single repository for: applicant registration and peer assessor management; the control and monitoring of disbursements to, and accounts receivable from, individual and artistic institutions grant holders; and the mailing lists for the distribution of information about the Canada Council. This data may include the individual’s name, contact information, year of birth, gender, language, citizenship, biographical information. A contact identification number permanently identifies each registered applicant or contact. For successful applicants, the following information about an individual is captured: social insurance number, financial information for funds committed. For mailing purposes, the names and contact information are either provided directly by individuals or obtained from artistic institutions, through employee and board of directors listings, or reference material commonly available in libraries. ATS is linked to the portal, the CADAC (Canadian Arts Data / Données sur les arts au Canada) for arts organizations applying for core funding, the Financial Management System and the Information Management System. Each record has a unique reference number which identifies a contact
Class of Individuals: Canada Council clients such as: applicant registering an application; assessor acting in a Peer Assessment Committee, or external assessment; art organizations’ personnel and board members; nominees; Members of Parliament; Canadian federal, provincial and municipal government staff; media contacts; mailing contacts; and Canada Council advisory committee members and Board members, and Council staff for internal assessment purposes.
Purpose: The information is used to determine eligibility for and administration of its funding programs, to identify and select prospective peer assessors, and to serve as a pool of potential disciplinary advisory committee members; for administrative and financial control and reporting; to issue T4A slips (Income Tax Act, paragraph 237 (1)(b)), using the applicant’s social insurance number; to publish and disseminate Canada Council’s application guidelines; and for public relations purposes. Personal information is collected pursuant to subsection 8(1) of the Canada Council for the Arts Act.
Consistent Uses: Consistent with this purpose, personal information held by the Canada Council may be used and disclosed in the following ways:
- As part of the peer assessment process, applications are disclosed to peer assessor committees composed of professional experts recruited from the artistic community, in the private and public sectors. In some programs, applications may also be reviewed by external assessors, members of ad hoc review committees or internal committees. A summation of Peer assessor discussions are accessible to applicants upon request;
- to identify prospective peer assessor committee members and external assessors to review grant applications;
- in consultation with other federal, provincial or municipal funding agencies to determine the most appropriate review mechanism or source of funding. In some cases, where applications are deemed to be more appropriately supported by another funding agency, and the complete applications may then be transferred to expedite the review process;
- Information submitted to programs in which the Council maintains a partnership may be used and disclosed consistent with that program guideline as required;
- to proactively publish and disseminate certain details about grant recipients. These include the name of the applicant, city, province, census area, riding, award type, amount awarded, the fields of practice and the project title, submitted by the applicant for public reference;
- for program planning, evaluation and review, in audits, and for generating statistics for these activities;
- to generate mailing lists in order to disseminate its publications, surveys and other information to the artistic community;
- disclosure of names and email addresses for specific activities related to prize promotion and celebrations. These are usually the responsibility of the Prizes unit but are, in many cases, performed for Council related programs or activities by a third party (for example, invitations to a prize ceremony at Rideau Hall, invitations to submit a nomination for a prize). Consent will be requested;
- Contact information that is provided during the Arts Tracking system (ATS) registration online process is used by the Canada Council’s technical staff to identify and contact users when routine systems monitoring reveals that they may require technical assistance;
- The peer assessor nomination and registration is stored in ATS, to identify, select and communicate with prospective peer assessors;
- share information with other government departments, organizations and contractors with whom the Canada Council has a data sharing agreement.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Program grant files are arranged in groups based on competition. Applications, in particular, cases are retained for longer periods for business purposes.
RDA Number: 2002/009
Related Record Number: CC ART 020, CC ART 021, CC ART 022, CC ART 005. CC ART 015, CC ART 016, CC ART 018, CC OUT 007
TBS Registration: 004244
Bank Number: CC PPU 020 -
Voluntary Self-identification - Personal Information Bank
Description: The records containing the information described in this bank include personal information provided voluntarily by applicants and potential peer assessors such as name, year of birth, contact information, citizenship status, language, gender, equity information, which is collected by means of an online questionnaire into an automated data system.
Class of individuals: Individual artists and artistic groups applying to Canada Council funding programs, nominees, and individuals who provide assessments, and potential or active peer assessors.
Purpose: Individuals have the opportunity to self-identify and as a result may have access to particular funding opportunities that advance their artistic practices and sectors. The personal information provides direction for the Equity Priority, the Strategic Funds and the goals of the Strategic Plan in the targeted support of artists and organizations working in their official language within an Official-language minority community; identify artists and organizations, due to geography, cultural and linguistic differences, or disability, in need of targeted support to flourish and succeed. Strategic Funds operate alongside the granting programs and require voluntary self-identification to facilitate the delivery of Strategic Funds.
Consistent Uses: The information gathered will be used for institutional purposes to:
- advance Strategic plan and equity commitments;
- generate statistics that will measure the effectiveness of support for activities or applicants that are targeted by strategic funds;
- ensure peer assessment and advisory committees composition achieves a balance of participation over time;
- design, review and evaluation of its programs;
- report to the Canada Council Board and committees;
- share information with other government departments, organizations and contractors with whom the Canada Council has a data sharing agreement;
- disclosure of names and email addresses for specific activities related to prize promotion and celebrations. These are usually the responsibility of the Prizes unit but are, in many cases, performed for Council related programs or activities by a third party (for example, invitations to a prize ceremony at Rideau Hall, invitations to submit a nomination for a prize). Consent will be requested.
Retention and Disposition Standards: Completed forms are retained for 2 years and are then disposed of in accordance with the standards set by Library and Archives Canada.
RDA Number: 2017/015
Related Record Number: CC ART 020, CC ART 021, CC ART 022, CC ART 005, CC ART 015, CC ART 016, CC ART 018, CC OUT 007
TBS Registration: TBD
Bank Number: CC PPU 203
Public Lending Right (PLR)
The Public Lending Right (PLR) Commission distributes annual payments to Canadian authors as compensation for free public access to their new and recently published books in Canadian public libraries. The Canada Council works with the expertise of a permanent advisory board, known as the Public Lending Right Commission, to define the program’s criteria and promote the program among eligible authors, illustrators and translators.
Public Lending Right Payments to Canadian Authors Program - Class of Records
Description: Records collected include Canadian author, co-author, editor, anthology contributors, translators, illustrators or photographers registered in the Public Lending Right (PLR) Program. It also includes records related to payment decisions, eligible titles and library samplings. Records may include information on program policies, constitution and bylaws, liaison activities with the literary community, working files and mailing lists.
Document Types: Guidelines, instructions and eligibility criteria, committee minutes and agendas, policies and procedures, author registrations, eligibility, payments, correspondence, annual library sampling titles list, reports, statistics, budgets, T4A slips.
Record Number: CC ART 004
Public Lending Right Commission Program - Personal Information Bank
Description: The bank contains mandatory information such as the name, pseudonym, contact information, signature, citizenship status, language, social insurance number (SIN), financial information, year of death; information relating to the registration of book titles, language, category, percentage share in the publication and contribution. The bank also contains financial documentation generated in the administration of this program. It may also collect voluntary information such as year of birth.
Class of Individuals: Canadian authors, co-authors, editors, translators, illustrators, anthology contributors and photographers who have applied for the PLR Program.
Purpose: Personal information is collected pursuant to subsection 8(1) of the Canada Council for the Arts Act. The files are used to verify that authors and titles are eligible under the criteria established by the PLR Commission, and to make and communicate funding decisions and payments.
Consistent Uses: The information gathered will be used for institutional purposes to:
- determine eligibility for and administration of the PLR program;
- facilitate financial control and reporting;
- to issue T4A slips (Income Tax Act, paragraph 237 (1)(b)), using the applicant’s social insurance number;
- to disseminate PLR’s application guidelines;
- design, review and evaluation of the PLR program;
- report to the Canada Council Board and committees;
- share information with other government departments, organizations and contractors with whom the Canada Council has a data sharing agreement.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Registration and payments through the PLR Program is retained for a period of 6 years. For applicants who do not qualify for the program files are retained for 2 years. Records are then disposed of in accordance with the standards set by Library and Archives Canada.
RDA Number: 2002/009
Related Record Number: CC ART 004
TBS Registration: 002207
Bank Number: CC PPU 150
Art Bank
The Canada Council Art Bank makes contemporary artwork available to a wide public across the country through its three programs: corporate art rental, loans to museums and outreach. The renewal of the Art Bank includes both divesting the Art Bank of artworks that have never rented and purchasing new work required to meet client needs. When funds are available, the Art Bank announces a purchase deadline. Artwork is purchased in order to be rented to Art Bank clients. The Art Bank Acquisition Committee, consisting of artists and members of the visual arts community (curator, director or dealer) will meet to select the artwork for purchase. To avoid possible conflicts of interest, the Art Bank Acquisition Committee will adhere to the Canada Council Peer Review recommendations.
Art Bank Rental and Purchase Program - Class of Records
Description: Records include activities related to the purchase process, acquisition decision process, artwork inventory, disposal of artworks. Includes records related to Canadian artworks submitted by artists or art dealers to the purchase of artworks program. It also include records related to rental contracts of works of art to interested public and private sector organizations, rental terms and conditions, delivery documentation and installation instructions for artworks. Records may include information on program design and development, working files, exhibitions, programs for public outreach and mailing lists.
Document Types: Purchase guidelines, completed submission forms, funding decisions, peer assessor conflict of interest, briefing notes, peer assessment overview reports, section reports, peer assessment statistical report and recommendations, artwork appraisals, conservation, installation instructions, rental contracts, repurchase documentation, exhibition contracts, and transport documentation.
Record Number: CC ART 001
Damaged/Lost Artworks – Personal Information Bank
Description: This bank describes personal information that is related to the documentation of lost, stolen, or damaged beyond repair artworks. If a work is damaged in a way that affects its integrity, the Art Bank will seek the artist’s advice and permission before restoring the work. If, after assessment by a conservator and consultation with the artist, the artwork is deemed “damaged beyond repair,” the artist will be entitled to have the work returned at his/her expense, or destroyed by the technical staff of the Art Bank.
Class of Individuals: Individual artists, conservators, insurance adjusters.
Purpose: Personal information is used to manage the Art Bank collection, the documentation of lost or damaged pieces and compensation for damaged or lost artwork. Personal information is collected pursuant to Personal information is collected pursuant to subsection 8(1) of the Canada Council for the Arts Act, and may include: name, contact information, professional experience, date/place of birth, date/place of death, citizenship and financial information.
Consistent Uses: Consistent with this purpose, personal information held by the Canada Council may be used and disclosed in the following ways:
- to inform an artists if their artwork is lost, stolen, damaged beyond repair or donated to a public collecting institution
- to seek the artist’s advice and permission before restoring the artwork
- to have the artwork returned at the expense of the artist when the artwork is deemed “damaged beyond repair”, or destroyed by the technical staff of the Art Bank.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Records are kept permanently.
RDA Number: 98/007
Related Record Number: CC ART 001TBS Registration: 003281
Bank Number: CC PPU 065 -
Installation Instructions for Works of Art – Personal Information Bank
Description: This bank describes information that is related to the administration of artwork for the Art Bank collection. This data includes personal information of the artists associated with a specific piece of art. The personal information may include: name, contact information, citizenship, date/place of birth, date/place of death and artist retention of their artwork.
Class of Individuals: Individual artists, dealers.
Purpose: The personal information is used to establish an inventory and cataloguing of pieces of art purchased by the Art Bank. Personal information is collected pursuant to subsection 8(1) of the Canada Council for the Arts Act.
Consistent Uses: Consistent with this purpose, personal information held by the Canada Council may be used and disclosed in the following ways:
- administer the Art Bank collection,
- describe and catalogue pieces of artwork.
- to ship and install a client’s selected artworks.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Records are kept permanently.
RDA Number: 98/007
Related Record Number: CC ART 001TBS Registration: 003282
Bank Number: CC PPU 045 -
Purchase Program – Personal Information Bank
Description: This bank describes information for the purchases of artworks for the Art Bank collection through an open call across Canada, funds permitting. The works are purchased based on recommendations by a peer assessment committee. This data includes personal information about the artists necessary to their application and acquisition process for the purchase of artworks from individual artists. The personal information may include: name, contact information, gender, Language preference, disability, professional experience, date/place of birth, date/place of death, citizenship, social insurance number and financial information.
Class of Individuals: Individual artists and their dealers.
Purpose: The personal information is used to determine eligibility and disburse funds in respect to the acquisition of work of arts from individual artists. Personal information is collected pursuant to subsection 8(1) of the Canada Council for the Arts Act.
Consistent Uses: Consistent with this purpose, personal information held by the Canada Council may be used and disclosed in the following ways:
- as part of the peer assessment process, applications are disclosed to peer assessor committee.
- to issue T4A slips (Income Tax Act, paragraph 237 (1)(b)), using the funded applicant’s social insurance number
- to proactively publish and disseminate certain details about the artist. These include the name of the artist, city, province, census area, riding, amount awarded, the discipline or arts practice and the project title, submitted by the applicant for public reference.
- for program planning, evaluation and review, in audits, and for generating statistics for these activities.
- to generate mailing lists in order to disseminate its publications and other information to the arts community.
- disclosure of the artists name and email address for specific activities related to prize promotion and celebrations. These are usually the responsibility of the Prizes unit but are, in many cases, performed for Council related programs or activities by a third party (for example, invitations to a prize ceremony at Rideau Hall, invitations to submit a nomination for a prize). Your consent will be requested.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Files of artists who have artworks in the collection are kept for 20 years. Unsuccessful artist files are retained for three years, and then destroyed.
RDA Number: 98/007
Related Record Number: CC ART 001TBS Registration: 003284
Bank Number: CC PPU 035
Every year the Canada Council awards a broad range of prizes to Canadian artists and scholars in recognition of their quest for innovation and excellence. Many of these prizes are privately endowed and given in perpetuity in memory of generous and visionary donors who have contributed significantly to the cultural legacy of Canada. Individuals, corporations, foundations and organizations may make donations.
Prizes - Class of Records
Description: Includes records related to Canadian professional artists, arts organizations and scholars who have been awarded a prize or fellowship. Includes records related to activities of the award process, eligibility determinations and funding decisions, commissioned reports by external specialists. Musical Instrument Bank acquires and loans exceptional instruments to gifted young musicians who are embarking on an international solo or chamber music career. Records may include information on program design and development, liaison activities with the arts community, prize presentation ceremonies, insured value of instruments, working files, and mailing lists.
Document Types: Funding guidelines, applications to competitions and nominations, eligibility checklist, application support material (may include copyright or intellectual property materials), education and professional experience, letters of support or recommendation, applicant financial information, notifications of decision and final reports. Peer assessor conflict of interest disclosures and confidentiality, external assessments, peer assessment overview reports and recommendations, and section reports to the Board; briefing notes, agendas and minutes, reports or correspondence with other Government Departments or agencies, memorandums of understanding, insurance policies, travel reports, activity reports for public outreach.
Record Number: CC ART 005
Artists - Personal Information Bank
Description: Registration to validate applicant and activity eligibility, and applications to program components for funds in support of professional artistic activity by an artist or artistic group. Grants are available for Canadian citizens or permanent residents who have specialized training and are recognized as professionals by other artists in the field of practice. Grants provided to individuals are principally used for creation, production and presenting works as well as professional development, residency, travel and the development of the sector. Funding recommendations made by Peer Assessment Committees. Specifically, the bank contains information such as name, contact information, biographical information, curriculum vitae, citizenship status, equity information, language, year of birth, identification number, social insurance number (SIN) (successful only), financial information, royalties, support material (may include copyright or intellectual property materials), agreements, letters of invitation, and opinions and views of, or about, individuals. It may include information about other artists, or third parties as applicants; mentors; project update form, final reports, request for extension.
Class of Individuals: Registered artists or artistic groups; third parties as applicants; partners; mentors.
Purpose: This information is collected to validate applicants for eligibilty, to make funding determinations during the assessment process based on quality of artistic work, and the impact of that work in relation to program objectives for eligiblity; to award prizes; to create transaction files on payments to funded applicants and issue T4A slips (Income Tax Act, paragraph 237 (1)(b)), using the funded applicant’s social insurance number; to proactively publish a list of recipients to Canada Council’s website; and for public relations purposes. Names and contact information of private teachers, mentors are collected in support of the applicant. Personal information is collected pursuant to subsection 8(1) of the Canada Council for the Arts Act.
Consistent Uses: Consistent with this purpose, personal information held by the Canada Council may be used and disclosed in the following ways:
- as part of the peer assessment process, applications are disclosed to peer assessor committees composed of experts recruited from the arts sectors. In some programs, applications may also be reviewed by external assessors, or internal assessors (Canada Council staff experts). Personal information may be used to determine eligibility, and are also reviewed in the assessment process;
- to issue T4A slips (Income Tax Act, paragraph 237 (1)(b)), using the funded applicant’s social insurance number;
- to identify prospective advisory committee members and peer assessors to review applications;
- in consultation with other Canadian arts funders, including federal, provincial or municipal government institutions to confirm funding sources;
- Information submitted to programs in which the Council maintains a partnership may be used and disclosed consistent with that program guideline as required;
- to proactively publish and disseminate certain details about grant recipients. These include the name of the applicant, city, province, census area, riding, award type, amount awarded, the discipline or arts practice and the project title, submitted by the applicant for public reference;
- for program planning, evaluation and review, in audits, and for generating statistics for these activities;
- to generate mailing lists in order to disseminate its publications and other information to the arts community;
- disclosure of names and email addresses for specific activities related to prize promotion and celebrations. These are usually the responsibility of the Prizes unit but are, in many cases, performed for Council related programs or activities by a third party (for example, invitations to a prize ceremony at Rideau Hall, invitations to submit a nomination for a prize). Consent will be requested;
- Contact information, provided during the online registration process, may be used to identify and contact users when routine systems monitoring reveals that they may require technical assistance;
- share information with other government departments, organizations and contractors with whom the Canada Council has a data sharing agreement.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Applications that do not receive funding are retained for three years, and are then disposed of in accordance with the standards set by Library and Archives Canada. Applications that receive funding are retained for 20 years, and are then disposed of in accordance with the standards set by Library and Archives Canada, or in particular cases retained for longer periods for business purposes.
RDA Number: 2017/015
Related Record Number: CC ART 020, CC ART 021, CC ART 022, CC ART 005, CC ART 015, CC ART 016, CC ART 018, CC OUT 007
TBS Registration: TBD
Bank Number: CC ART 202 -
Artistic Groups and Organizations - Personal Information Bank
Description: Registration to validate organization/group applicants eligibility and program application content. Specifically, the bank contains information such as the name, contact information, citizenship status, equity information, language, biographical information, financial information, royalties, support material (may include copyright or intellectual property materials); third party agreements, letters of invitation, letters of support, and opinions and views of, or about individuals; project updates, final reports, request for extension.
Class of Individuals: Artistic insitution’s administrative personnel, artists, third parties as applicants, partners, consultants, workshop leaders, mentors, agents, managers. It may include information about other artists, or third parties as applicants; mentors.
Purpose: The personal information is used to communicate with applicants, to validate eligiblity, referenced in the decision-making processes, and decide funding outcomes in the administration of Canada Council program components. Personal information is collected pursuant to subsection 8(1) of the Canada Council for the Arts Act.
Consistent Uses: Consistent with this purpose, personal information held by the Canada Council may be used and disclosed in the following ways:
- as part of the peer assessment process, applications are disclosed to peer assessor committees composed of experts recruited from the arts sectors. In some programs, applications may also be reviewed by external assessors, or internal assessors (Canada Council staff experts). Personal information may be used to determine eligibility and reviewed in the assessment process. This includes assessing the organizational make-up, diversity of the geographical community or region, particulatry with regards to inclusion and engagement of First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples, culturally diverse groups, people who are Deaf or have disabilities, and official language minority communities;
- to identify and select prospective peer assessors of applications submitted to the Canada Council, and to serve as an additional pool of potential committee members peer assessors and external assessors;
- in consultation with other Canadian arts funders, including federal, provincial or municipal government institutions to confirm funding sources;
- Information submitted to programs in which the Council maintains a partnership may be used and disclosed consistent with that program guideline as required;
- to proactively publish and disseminate certain details about grant recipients. These include the name of the applicant, city, province, census area, riding, award type, amount awarded, the field of practice and the project title, submitted by the applicant for public reference;
- for program planning, evaluation and review, in audits, and for generating statistics for these activities;
- to generate mailing lists in order to disseminate its publications, surveys and other information to the arts community;
- Contact information, provided during the online registration process, may be used to identify and contact users when routine systems monitoring reveals that they may require technical assistance;
- share information with other government departments, organizations and contractors with whom the Canada Council has a data sharing agreement.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Applications that do not receive funding are retained for three years, then destroyed. Applications that receive funding are retained for 20 years, and are then disposed of in accordance with the standards set by Library and Archives Canada, or in particular cases are retained for longer periods for business purposes.
RDA Number: 2017/015
Related Record Number: CC ART 020, CC ART 021, CC ART 022, CC ART 005, CC ART 015, CC ART 016, CC ART 018, CC OUT 007
TBS Registration: TBD
Bank Number: CC ART 201 -
Voluntary Self-identification - Personal Information Bank
Description: The records containing the information described in this bank include personal information provided voluntarily by applicants and potential peer assessors such as name, year of birth, contact information, citizenship status, language, gender, equity information, which is collected by means of an online questionnaire into an automated data system.
Class of individuals: Individual artists and artistic groups applying to Canada Council funding programs, nominees, and individuals who provide assessments, and potential or active peer assessors.
Purpose: Individuals have the opportunity to self-identify and as a result may have access to particular funding opportunities that advance their artistic practices and sectors. The personal information provides direction for the Equity Priority, the Strategic Funds and the goals of the Strategic Plan in the targeted support of artists and organizations working in their official language within an Official-language minority community; identify artists and organizations, due to geography, cultural and linguistic differences, or disability, in need of targeted support to flourish and succeed. Strategic Funds operate alongside the granting programs and require voluntary self-identification to facilitate the delivery of Strategic Funds.
Consistent Uses: The information gathered will be used for institutional purposes to:
- advance Strategic plan and equity commitments;
- generate statistics that will measure the effectiveness of support for activities or applicants that are targeted by strategic funds;
- ensure peer assessment and advisory committees composition achieves a balance of participation over time;
- design, review and evaluation of its programs;
- report to the Canada Council Board and committees;
- share information with other government departments, organizations and contractors with whom the Canada Council has a data sharing agreement;
- disclosure of names and email addresses for specific activities related to prize promotion and celebrations. These are usually the responsibility of the Prizes unit but are, in many cases, performed for Council related programs or activities by a third party (for example, invitations to a prize ceremony at Rideau Hall, invitations to submit a nomination for a prize). Consent will be requested.
Retention and Disposition Standards: Completed forms are retained for 2 years and are then disposed of in accordance with the standards set by Library and Archives Canada.
RDA Number: 2017/015
Related Record Number: CC ART 020, CC ART 021, CC ART 022, CC ART 005, CC ART 015, CC ART 016, CC ART 018, CC OUT 007
TBS Registration: TBD
Bank Number: CC PPU 203 -
Arts Tracking System (ATS) - Personal Information Bank
Description: Arts Tracking system (ATS) is a corporate database system used for the Canada Council's operations and activities that contains electronic records supporting the Canada Council's business functions, programs, prizes and activities throughout its life-cycle. It provides a single repository for: applicant registration and peer assessor management; the control and monitoring of disbursements to, and accounts receivable from, individual and artistic institutions grant holders; and the mailing lists for the distribution of information about the Canada Council. This data may include the individual’s name, contact information, year of birth, gender, language, citizenship, biographical information. A contact identification number permanently identifies each registered applicant or contact. For successful applicants, the following information about an individual is captured: social insurance number, financial information for funds committed. For mailing purposes, the names and contact information are either provided directly by individuals or obtained from artistic institutions, through employee and board of directors listings, or reference material commonly available in libraries. ATS is linked to the portal, the CADAC (Canadian Arts Data / Données sur les arts au Canada) for arts organizations applying for core funding, the Financial Management System and the Information Management System. Each record has a unique reference number which identifies a contact
Class of Individuals: Canada Council clients such as: applicant registering an application; assessor acting in a Peer Assessment Committee, or external assessment; art organizations’ personnel and board members; nominees; Members of Parliament; Canadian federal, provincial and municipal government staff; media contacts; mailing contacts; and Canada Council advisory committee members and Board members, and Council staff for internal assessment purposes.
Purpose: The information is used to determine eligibility for and administration of its funding programs, to identify and select prospective peer assessors, and to serve as a pool of potential disciplinary advisory committee members; for administrative and financial control and reporting; to issue T4A slips (Income Tax Act, paragraph 237 (1)(b)), using the applicant’s social insurance number; to publish and disseminate Canada Council’s application guidelines; and for public relations purposes. Personal information is collected pursuant to subsection 8(1) of the Canada Council for the Arts Act.
Consistent Uses: Consistent with this purpose, personal information held by the Canada Council may be used and disclosed in the following ways:
- As part of the peer assessment process, applications are disclosed to peer assessor committees composed of professional experts recruited from the artistic community, in the private and public sectors. In some programs, applications may also be reviewed by external assessors, members of ad hoc review committees or internal committees. A summation of Peer assessor discussions are accessible to applicants upon request;
- to identify prospective peer assessor committee members and external assessors to review grant applications;
- in consultation with other federal, provincial or municipal funding agencies to determine the most appropriate review mechanism or source of funding. In some cases, where applications are deemed to be more appropriately supported by another funding agency, and the complete applications may then be transferred to expedite the review process;
- Information submitted to programs in which the Council maintains a partnership may be used and disclosed consistent with that program guideline as required;
- to proactively publish and disseminate certain details about grant recipients. These include the name of the applicant, city, province, census area, riding, award type, amount awarded, the fields of practice and the project title, submitted by the applicant for public reference;
- for program planning, evaluation and review, in audits, and for generating statistics for these activities;
- to generate mailing lists in order to disseminate its publications, surveys and other information to the artistic community;
- disclosure of names and email addresses for specific activities related to prize promotion and celebrations. These are usually the responsibility of the Prizes unit but are, in many cases, performed for Council related programs or activities by a third party (for example, invitations to a prize ceremony at Rideau Hall, invitations to submit a nomination for a prize). Consent will be requested;
- Contact information that is provided during the Arts Tracking system (ATS) registration online process is used by the Canada Council’s technical staff to identify and contact users when routine systems monitoring reveals that they may require technical assistance;
- The peer assessor nomination and registration is stored in ATS, to identify, select and communicate with prospective peer assessors
- share information with other government departments, organizations and contractors with whom the Canada Council has a data sharing agreement.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Program grant files are arranged in groups based on competition. Applications, in particular, cases are retained for longer periods for business purposes.
RDA Number: 2002/009
Related Record Number: CC ART 020, CC ART 021, CC ART 022, CC ART 005. CC ART 015, CC ART 016, CC ART 018, CC OUT 007
TBS Registration: 004244
Bank Number: CC PPU 020
Coordination of the Canadian Commission for UNESCO
To act as a forum for governments and civil society, and to catalyze the participation of Canadian organizations and committed individuals in UNESCO's mandated areas: education, natural and social sciences, culture and communication. The Canadian Commission must both participate in UNESCO's activities and undertake its own initiatives or activities related to the general objectives of UNESCO.
Canadian Commission for UNESCO Activities and Programs - Class of Records
Description: Includes records related to UNESCO program activities in Canada and Canadian participation in UNESCO activities abroad. May also include records on advice and assistance from both governmental and non-governmental organizations; advice about future UNESCO programs and budgets to the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade. and background information on: UNESCO workshops, conferences, committees, and program projects and prizes; government departments and agencies, institutions, organizations, and individuals collaborations and partnerships as they relate to education, science, culture, communication and information.
Document Types: By-laws and directives; minutes, plans, agendas, project proposals, memorandums of understanding, and mailing lists.
Record Number: CC CCU 001
Canadian Commission for UNESCO's Data Bank – Personal Information Bank
Description: The purpose of this bank is to maintain a record of members of the Commission to whom publications, including reports, press releases, and the minutes of meetings, may be sent. It contains addresses which normally include the individual's name, address, and telephone number as well as codes identifying disciplines of interest such as education, natural sciences, social sciences, culture, communications, etc.
Class of Individuals: Individuals, federal departments and agencies, intergovernmental bodies which represent the provinces and territories, non-governmental organizations and institutions.
Purpose: This record is used to identify individuals to whom are sent UNESCO-related material.
Consistent Uses: Facilitates the sending of UNESCO publications to interested parties.
Retention and Disposal Standards: The information is held permanently.
RDA Number: 2017/015
Related Record Number: CC CCU 001
TBS Registration: 003287
Bank Number: CC PPU 095
Institutional functions, programs and activities
Grants and services (individuals and organizations)
The Canada Council for Arts provides grants and services to professional Canadian artists and arts to support creation, production and dissemination of arts for individuals and organizations.
Grants are awarded for the creation, production and dissemination of works of dance. The operating activities of professional organizations, artists' travel and tours, related events and initiatives are also funded.
Support is provided for the development of individuals, groups, small ensembles, orchestras and other professionals in the Canadian music community. In addition to tours, concerts, recordings and festivals, the Music Section funds a host of related activities such as residencies and the commissioning of Canadian compositions.
Assistance is provided to professional Canadian theatre artists and organizations for the creation, production, dissemination of plays as well as for play translation. Contributions are also made to operating costs and touring costs in Canada and abroad, as well as support to special initiatives for the promotion of co- productions and artistic collaborations at the national and international levels.
Visual Arts
Support is provided in the fields of architecture, crafts, photography and the visual arts for creation, production and dissemination, as well as for the acquisition of works by Canadian artists. In addition to funding the activities of independent artists, museums, artist-run centres and other professional arts organizations, the Council encourages the work of independent critics and curators, and the work of performance artists whose practice is rooted in the critical discourse of the visual arts.
Writing and Publishing
A range of grants for professional Canadian writers, collectives and publishers are offered. In addition to providing support for the creation, translation, publication and promotion of Canadian literature, author residencies, literary readings and festivals, as well as new areas of activity such as rap poetry, storytelling and electronic literature are funded.
Media Arts
Assistance is provided to artists, organizations, groups and independent collectives in film, video, new media and audio for research, creation, production and dissemination, as well as for festivals, travel, operating activities and equipment acquisition.
Supports research, creation, production, dissemination, touring, and service and development activities by Canadian integrated and contemporary circus arts professionals and arts organizations.
Arts Disciplines Application and Granting Process - Class of Records
Description: Includes records related to Canadian professional artists who have applied for creation/production, professional development, residency or travel grants, and arts organizations who have applied for operating funds, organizational development assistance, project assistance or presenting and dissemination assistance in the following areas: dance, music, theatre, visual arts, writing and publishing, media arts and inter-arts. Includes records related to activities of the granting process, eligibility determinations and funding decisions, the application assessment process, strategic initiatives and advisory committees. Records may include information on program design and development, liaison activities with the arts community, working files, mailing lists, voluntary self-identification information.
Document Types: Funding guidelines, applications to competitions, eligibility checklist, application support material (may include copyright or intellectual property materials), education and professional experience, letters of support or recommendation, applicant financial information, notifications of decision and final reports (when funded). Peer assessor conflict of interest disclosures and confidentiality, external assessments, peer assessment overview reports and recommendations, and section reports to the Board; briefing notes, agendas and minutes, reports or correspondence with other Government Departments or agencies, travel reports, activity reports for public outreach; and completed self- identification forms.
Record Number: CC ART 015
Individuals' Arts Grant Files – Personal Information Bank
Description: Contains correspondence relating to the application with supporting data which includes the name, address, phone, fax, email of each candidate applying for a grant, as well as the adjudication result and details of payment and social insurance number if a grant is awarded. The files are organized numerically according to the program and discipline.
Class of Individuals: Individual artists.
Purpose: Contains files of artists who have applied for a grant.
Consistent Uses: Used in the adjudication process of grant requests and to provide data for statistical analysis
Retention and Disposal Standards: Unsuccessful grant applications are retained for a period of 3 years following last activity and are then destroyed. Successful grant files are retained for a period of 20 years following last activity and are then disposed of in accordance with the standards set by Library and Archives Canada.
RDA Number: 83/038
Related Record Number: CC ART 015, CC ART 018, CC ART 016, CC OUT 007
TBS Registration: 000313
Bank Number: CC PPU 115 -
Arts Organizations/Companies' Grant Files – Personal Information Bank
Description: Arts organizations and companies' grant files containing correspondence relating to the application with supporting data, financial information, the adjudication result and details of payment if a grant is awarded. Files may also contain artistic assessments. The files are organized numerically according to the program and discipline.
Class of Individuals: Arts organizations and companies in the following disciplines: Audience and Market Development, Dance, Inter-Arts, Media Arts, Music, Theatre, Visual Arts, and Writing and Publishing Sections. Purpose: Contains files of arts organizations and companies who have applied for a grant to the various programs at the Canada Council for the Arts.
Consistent Uses: The files are used in the adjudication process of grant requests.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Grant application files are retained at the Council for unsuccessful applications are retained for a period of 3 years following last activity and are then destroyed. Successful grant files are retained for a period of 20 years following last activity and are then disposed of in accordance with the standards set by Library and Archives Canada.
RDA Number: 83/038
Related Record Number: CC ART 015, CC ART 018, CC ART 016, CC OUT 007
TBS Registration: 001648
Bank Number: CC PPU 130 -
Arts Tracking System (ATS) - Personal Information Bank
Description: Arts Tracking system (ATS) is a corporate database system used for the Canada Council's operations and activities that contains electronic records supporting the Canada Council's business functions, programs, prizes and activities throughout its life-cycle. It provides a single repository for: applicant registration and peer assessor management; the control and monitoring of disbursements to, and accounts receivable from, individual and artistic institutions grant holders; and the mailing lists for the distribution of information about the Canada Council. This data may include the individual’s name, contact information, year of birth, gender, language, citizenship, biographical information. A contact identification number permanently identifies each registered applicant or contact. For successful applicants, the following information about an individual is captured: social insurance number, financial information for funds committed. For mailing purposes, the names and contact information are either provided directly by individuals or obtained from artistic institutions, through employee and board of directors listings, or reference material commonly available in libraries. ATS is linked to the portal, the CADAC (Canadian Arts Data / Données sur les arts au Canada) for arts organizations applying for core funding, the Financial Management System and the Information Management System. Each record has a unique reference number which identifies a contact
Class of Individuals: Canada Council clients such as: applicant registering an application; assessor acting in a Peer Assessment Committee, or external assessment; art organizations’ personnel and board members; nominees; Members of Parliament; Canadian federal, provincial and municipal government staff; media contacts; mailing contacts; and Canada Council advisory committee members and Board members, and Council staff for internal assessment purposes.
Purpose: The information is used to determine eligibility for and administration of its funding programs, to identify and select prospective peer assessors, and to serve as a pool of potential disciplinary advisory committee members; for administrative and financial control and reporting; to issue T4A slips (Income Tax Act, paragraph 237 (1)(b)), using the applicant’s social insurance number; to publish and disseminate Canada Council’s application guidelines; and for public relations purposes. Personal information is collected pursuant to subsection 8(1) of the Canada Council for the Arts Act.
Consistent Uses: Consistent with this purpose, personal information held by the Canada Council may be used and disclosed in the following ways:
- As part of the peer assessment process, applications are disclosed to peer assessor committees composed of professional experts recruited from the artistic community, in the private and public sectors. In some programs, applications may also be reviewed by external assessors, members of ad hoc review committees or internal committees. A summation of Peer assessor discussions are accessible to applicants upon request;
- to identify prospective peer assessor committee members and external assessors to review grant applications;
- in consultation with other federal, provincial or municipal funding agencies to determine the most appropriate review mechanism or source of funding. In some cases, where applications are deemed to be more appropriately supported by another funding agency, and the complete applications may then be transferred to expedite the review process;
- Information submitted to programs in which the Council maintains a partnership may be used and disclosed consistent with that program guideline as required;
- to proactively publish and disseminate certain details about grant recipients. These include the name of the applicant, city, province, census area, riding, award type, amount awarded, the fields of practice and the project title, submitted by the applicant for public reference;
- for program planning, evaluation and review, in audits, and for generating statistics for these activities;
- to generate mailing lists in order to disseminate its publications, surveys and other information to the artistic community;
- disclosure of names and email addresses for specific activities related to prize promotion and celebrations. These are usually the responsibility of the Prizes unit but are, in many cases, performed for Council related programs or activities by a third party (for example, invitations to a prize ceremony at Rideau Hall, invitations to submit a nomination for a prize). Consent will be requested;
- Contact information that is provided during the Arts Tracking system (ATS) registration online process is used by the Canada Council’s technical staff to identify and contact users when routine systems monitoring reveals that they may require technical assistance;
- The peer assessor nomination and registration is stored in ATS, to identify, select and communicate with prospective peer assessors;
- share information with other government departments, organizations and contractors with whom the Canada Council has a data sharing agreement.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Program grant files are arranged in groups based on competition. Applications, in particular, cases are retained for longer periods for business purposes.
RDA Number: 2002/009
Related Record Number: CC ART 020, CC ART 021, CC ART 022, CC ART 005. CC ART 015, CC ART 016, CC ART 018, CC OUT 007
TBS Registration: 004244
Bank Number: CC PPU 020
New Chapter program
To mark the 150th Anniversary of Confederation, the Council launched the New Chapter program, a special one-time $35M fund for the creation and sharing of 201 exceptional artistic and literary projects. Starting in 2017 and until 2019, the 201 projects funded through this unique one-time program will help create a rich artistic and literary heritage.
Individuals' Arts Grant Files – Personal Information Bank
Description: Contains correspondence relating to the application with supporting data which includes the name, address, phone, fax, email of each candidate applying for a grant, as well as the adjudication result and details of payment and social insurance number if a grant is awarded. The files are organized numerically according to the program and discipline.
Class of Individuals: Individual artists.
Purpose: Contains files of artists who have applied for a grant.
Consistent Uses: Used in the adjudication process of grant requests and to provide data for statistical analysis
Retention and Disposal Standards: Unsuccessful grant applications are retained for a period of 3 years following last activity and are then destroyed. Successful grant files are retained for a period of 20 years following last activity and are then disposed of in accordance with the standards set by Library and Archives Canada.
RDA Number: 83/038
Related Record Number: CC ART 015, CC ART 018, CC ART 016, CC OUT 007
TBS Registration: 000313
Bank Number: CC PPU 115 -
Arts Organizations/Companies' Grant Files – Personal Information Bank
Description: Arts organizations and companies' grant files containing correspondence relating to the application with supporting data, financial information, the adjudication result and details of payment if a grant is awarded. Files may also contain artistic assessments. The files are organized numerically according to the program and discipline.
Class of Individuals: Arts organizations and companies in the following disciplines: Audience and Market Development, Dance, Inter-Arts, Media Arts, Music, Theatre, Visual Arts, and Writing and Publishing Sections. Purpose: Contains files of arts organizations and companies who have applied for a grant to the various programs at the Canada Council for the Arts.
Consistent Uses: The files are used in the adjudication process of grant requests.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Grant application files are retained at the Council for unsuccessful applications are retained for a period of 3 years following last activity and are then destroyed. Successful grant files are retained for a period of 20 years following last activity and are then disposed of in accordance with the standards set by Library and Archives Canada.
RDA Number: 83/038
Related Record Number: CC ART 015, CC ART 018, CC ART 016, CC OUT 007
TBS Registration: 001648
Bank Number: CC PPU 130 -
Voluntary Self-identification - Personal Information Bank
Description: The records containing the information described in this bank include personal information provided voluntarily by applicants and potential peer assessors such as name, year of birth, contact information, citizenship status, language, gender, equity information, which is collected by means of an online questionnaire into an automated data system.
Class of individuals: Individual artists and artistic groups applying to Canada Council funding programs, nominees, and individuals who provide assessments, and potential or active peer assessors.
Purpose: Individuals have the opportunity to self-identify and as a result may have access to particular funding opportunities that advance their artistic practices and sectors. The personal information provides direction for the Equity Priority, the Strategic Funds and the goals of the Strategic Plan in the targeted support of artists and organizations working in their official language within an Official-language minority community; identify artists and organizations, due to geography, cultural and linguistic differences, or disability, in need of targeted support to flourish and succeed. Strategic Funds operate alongside the granting programs and require voluntary self-identification to facilitate the delivery of Strategic Funds.
Consistent Uses: The information gathered will be used for institutional purposes to:
- advance Strategic plan and equity commitments;
- generate statistics that will measure the effectiveness of support for activities or applicants that are targeted by strategic funds;
- ensure peer assessment and advisory committees composition achieves a balance of participation over time;
- design, review and evaluation of its programs;
- report to the Canada Council Board and committees;
- share information with other government departments, organizations and contractors with whom the Canada Council has a data sharing agreement;
- disclosure of names and email addresses for specific activities related to prize promotion and celebrations. These are usually the responsibility of the Prizes unit but are, in many cases, performed for Council related programs or activities by a third party (for example, invitations to a prize ceremony at Rideau Hall, invitations to submit a nomination for a prize). Consent will be requested.
Retention and Disposition Standards: Completed forms are retained for 2 years and are then disposed of in accordance with the standards set by Library and Archives Canada.
RDA Number: 2017/015
Related Record Number: CC ART 020, CC ART 021, CC ART 022, CC ART 005, CC ART 015, CC ART 016, CC ART 018, CC OUT 007
TBS Registration: TBD
Bank Number: CC PPU 203 -
Arts Tracking System (ATS) - Personal Information Bank
Description: Arts Tracking system (ATS) is a corporate database system used for the Canada Council's operations and activities that contains electronic records supporting the Canada Council's business functions, programs, prizes and activities throughout its life-cycle. It provides a single repository for: applicant registration and peer assessor management; the control and monitoring of disbursements to, and accounts receivable from, individual and artistic institutions grant holders; and the mailing lists for the distribution of information about the Canada Council. This data may include the individual’s name, contact information, year of birth, gender, language, citizenship, biographical information. A contact identification number permanently identifies each registered applicant or contact. For successful applicants, the following information about an individual is captured: social insurance number, financial information for funds committed. For mailing purposes, the names and contact information are either provided directly by individuals or obtained from artistic institutions, through employee and board of directors listings, or reference material commonly available in libraries. ATS is linked to the portal, the CADAC (Canadian Arts Data / Données sur les arts au Canada) for arts organizations applying for core funding, the Financial Management System and the Information Management System. Each record has a unique reference number which identifies a contact
Class of Individuals: Canada Council clients such as: applicant registering an application; assessor acting in a Peer Assessment Committee, or external assessment; art organizations’ personnel and board members; nominees; Members of Parliament; Canadian federal, provincial and municipal government staff; media contacts; mailing contacts; and Canada Council advisory committee members and Board members, and Council staff for internal assessment purposes.
Purpose: The information is used to determine eligibility for and administration of its funding programs, to identify and select prospective peer assessors, and to serve as a pool of potential disciplinary advisory committee members; for administrative and financial control and reporting; to issue T4A slips (Income Tax Act, paragraph 237 (1)(b)), using the applicant’s social insurance number; to publish and disseminate Canada Council’s application guidelines; and for public relations purposes. Personal information is collected pursuant to subsection 8(1) of the Canada Council for the Arts Act.
Consistent Uses: Consistent with this purpose, personal information held by the Canada Council may be used and disclosed in the following ways:
- As part of the peer assessment process, applications are disclosed to peer assessor committees composed of professional experts recruited from the artistic community, in the private and public sectors. In some programs, applications may also be reviewed by external assessors, members of ad hoc review committees or internal committees. A summation of Peer assessor discussions are accessible to applicants upon request;
- to identify prospective peer assessor committee members and external assessors to review grant applications;
- in consultation with other federal, provincial or municipal funding agencies to determine the most appropriate review mechanism or source of funding. In some cases, where applications are deemed to be more appropriately supported by another funding agency, and the complete applications may then be transferred to expedite the review process;
- Information submitted to programs in which the Council maintains a partnership may be used and disclosed consistent with that program guideline as required;
- to proactively publish and disseminate certain details about grant recipients. These include the name of the applicant, city, province, census area, riding, award type, amount awarded, the fields of practice and the project title, submitted by the applicant for public reference;
- for program planning, evaluation and review, in audits, and for generating statistics for these activities;
- to generate mailing lists in order to disseminate its publications, surveys and other information to the artistic community;
- disclosure of names and email addresses for specific activities related to prize promotion and celebrations. These are usually the responsibility of the Prizes unit but are, in many cases, performed for Council related programs or activities by a third party (for example, invitations to a prize ceremony at Rideau Hall, invitations to submit a nomination for a prize). Consent will be requested;
- Contact information that is provided during the Arts Tracking system (ATS) registration online process is used by the Canada Council’s technical staff to identify and contact users when routine systems monitoring reveals that they may require technical assistance;
- The peer assessor nomination and registration is stored in ATS, to identify, select and communicate with prospective peer assessors;
- share information with other government departments, organizations and contractors with whom the Canada Council has a data sharing agreement.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Program grant files are arranged in groups based on competition. Applications, in particular, cases are retained for longer periods for business purposes.
RDA Number: 2002/009
Related Record Number: CC ART 020, CC ART 021, CC ART 022, CC ART 005. CC ART 015, CC ART 016, CC ART 018, CC OUT 007
TBS Registration: 004244
Bank Number: CC PPU 020
The Equity Office collaborates with the Aboriginal Secretariat to help ensure equal opportunity and access to all Canada Council programs for artists of diverse cultural and regional communities.
Equity Application and Granting Process - Class of Records
Description: Includes records related to Canadian professional culturally diverse artists who have applied for travel grants, and culturally diverse arts organizations who have applied for capacity building. Includes records related to activities of the granting process and funding decisions, the peer assessment process, strategic initiatives and advisory committees. Records may include information on program development, liaison activities with the arts community, working files, mailing lists, voluntary self-identification information and Stand Firm networks.
Document Types: Funding guidelines, applications to competitions, eligibility checklist, application support material (may include copyright or intellectual property materials), education and professional experience, letters of support or recommendation, applicant financial information, notifications of decision and final reports (when funded). Peer assessor conflict of interest disclosures, external assessments, peer assessment overview reports and recommendations, and section reports to the Board, briefing notes, agendas and minutes, reports or correspondence with other Government Departments or agencies, travel reports, activity reports for public outreach; and completed self-identification forms.
Record Number: CC ART 016
Individuals' Arts Grant Files – Personal Information Bank
Description: Contains correspondence relating to the application with supporting data which includes the name, address, phone, fax, email of each candidate applying for a grant, as well as the adjudication result and details of payment and social insurance number if a grant is awarded. The files are organized numerically according to the program and discipline.
Class of Individuals: Individual artists.
Purpose: Contains files of artists who have applied for a grant.
Consistent Uses: Used in the adjudication process of grant requests and to provide data for statistical analysis
Retention and Disposal Standards: Unsuccessful grant applications are retained for a period of 3 years following last activity and are then destroyed. Successful grant files are retained for a period of 20 years following last activity and are then disposed of in accordance with the standards set by Library and Archives Canada.
RDA Number: 83/038
Related Record Number: CC ART 015, CC ART 018, CC ART 016, CC OUT 007, CC PPU 020
TBS Registration: 000313
Bank Number: CC PPU 115 -
Arts Organizations/Companies' Grant Files – Personal Information Bank
Description: Arts organizations and companies' grant files containing correspondence relating to the application with supporting data, financial information, the adjudication result and details of payment if a grant is awarded. Files may also contain artistic assessments. The files are organized numerically according to the program and discipline.
Class of Individuals: Arts organizations and companies in the following disciplines: Audience and Market Development, Dance, Inter-Arts, Media Arts, Music, Theatre, Visual Arts, and Writing and Publishing Sections.
Purpose: Contains files of arts organizations and companies who have applied for a grant to the various programs at the Canada Council for the Arts.
Consistent Uses: The files are used in the adjudication process of grant requests.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Grant application files are retained at the Council for unsuccessful applications are retained for a period of 3 years following last activity and are then destroyed. Successful grant files are retained for a period of 20 years following last activity and are then disposed of in accordance with the standards set by Library and Archives Canada.
RDA Number: 83/038
Related Record Number: CC ART 015, CC ART 018, CC ART 016, CC OUT 007, CC PPU 020
TBS Registration: 001648
Bank Number: CC PPU 130 -
Voluntary Self-identification - Personal Information Bank
Description: The records containing the information described in this bank include personal information provided voluntarily by applicants and potential peer assessors such as name, year of birth, contact information, citizenship status, language, gender, equity information, which is collected by means of an online questionnaire into an automated data system.
Class of individuals: Individual artists and artistic groups applying to Canada Council funding programs, nominees, and individuals who provide assessments, and potential or active peer assessors.
Purpose: Individuals have the opportunity to self-identify and as a result may have access to particular funding opportunities that advance their artistic practices and sectors. The personal information provides direction for the Equity Priority, the Strategic Funds and the goals of the Strategic Plan in the targeted support of artists and organizations working in their official language within an Official-language minority community; identify artists and organizations, due to geography, cultural and linguistic differences, or disability, in need of targeted support to flourish and succeed. Strategic Funds operate alongside the granting programs and require voluntary self-identification to facilitate the delivery of Strategic Funds.
Consistent Uses: The information gathered will be used for institutional purposes to:
- advance Strategic plan and equity commitments;
- generate statistics that will measure the effectiveness of support for activities or applicants that are targeted by strategic funds;
- ensure peer assessment and advisory committees composition achieves a balance of participation over time;
- design, review and evaluation of its programs;
- report to the Canada Council Board and committees;
- share information with other government departments, organizations and contractors with whom the Canada Council has a data sharing agreement;
- disclosure of names and email addresses for specific activities related to prize promotion and celebrations. These are usually the responsibility of the Prizes unit but are, in many cases, performed for Council related programs or activities by a third party (for example, invitations to a prize ceremony at Rideau Hall, invitations to submit a nomination for a prize). Consent will be requested;
Retention and Disposition Standards: Completed forms are retained for 2 years and are then disposed of in accordance with the standards set by Library and Archives Canada.
RDA Number: 2017/015
Related Record Number: CC ART 020, CC ART 021, CC ART 022, CC ART 005, CC ART 015, CC ART 016, CC ART 018, CC OUT 007
TBS Registration: TBD
Bank Number: CC PPU 203 -
Arts Tracking System (ATS) - Personal Information Bank
Description: Arts Tracking system (ATS) is a corporate database system used for the Canada Council's operations and activities that contains electronic records supporting the Canada Council's business functions, programs, prizes and activities throughout its life-cycle. It provides a single repository for: applicant registration and peer assessor management; the control and monitoring of disbursements to, and accounts receivable from, individual and artistic institutions grant holders; and the mailing lists for the distribution of information about the Canada Council. This data may include the individual’s name, contact information, year of birth, gender, language, citizenship, biographical information. A contact identification number permanently identifies each registered applicant or contact. For successful applicants, the following information about an individual is captured: social insurance number, financial information for funds committed. For mailing purposes, the names and contact information are either provided directly by individuals or obtained from artistic institutions, through employee and board of directors listings, or reference material commonly available in libraries. ATS is linked to the portal, the CADAC (Canadian Arts Data / Données sur les arts au Canada) for arts organizations applying for core funding, the Financial Management System and the Information Management System. Each record has a unique reference number which identifies a contact
Class of Individuals: Canada Council clients such as: applicant registering an application; assessor acting in a Peer Assessment Committee, or external assessment; art organizations’ personnel and board members; nominees; Members of Parliament; Canadian federal, provincial and municipal government staff; media contacts; mailing contacts; and Canada Council advisory committee members and Board members, and Council staff for internal assessment purposes.
Purpose: The information is used to determine eligibility for and administration of its funding programs, to identify and select prospective peer assessors, and to serve as a pool of potential disciplinary advisory committee members; for administrative and financial control and reporting; to issue T4A slips (Income Tax Act, paragraph 237 (1)(b)), using the applicant’s social insurance number; to publish and disseminate Canada Council’s application guidelines; and for public relations purposes. Personal information is collected pursuant to subsection 8(1) of the Canada Council for the Arts Act.
Consistent Uses: Consistent with this purpose, personal information held by the Canada Council may be used and disclosed in the following ways:
- As part of the peer assessment process, applications are disclosed to peer assessor committees composed of professional experts recruited from the artistic community, in the private and public sectors. In some programs, applications may also be reviewed by external assessors, members of ad hoc review committees or internal committees. A summation of Peer assessor discussions are accessible to applicants upon request;
- to identify prospective peer assessor committee members and external assessors to review grant applications;
- in consultation with other federal, provincial or municipal funding agencies to determine the most appropriate review mechanism or source of funding. In some cases, where applications are deemed to be more appropriately supported by another funding agency, and the complete applications may then be transferred to expedite the review process;
- Information submitted to programs in which the Council maintains a partnership may be used and disclosed consistent with that program guideline as required;
- to proactively publish and disseminate certain details about grant recipients. These include the name of the applicant, city, province, census area, riding, award type, amount awarded, the fields of practice and the project title, submitted by the applicant for public reference;
- for program planning, evaluation and review, in audits, and for generating statistics for these activities;
- to generate mailing lists in order to disseminate its publications, surveys and other information to the artistic community;
- disclosure of names and email addresses for specific activities related to prize promotion and celebrations. These are usually the responsibility of the Prizes unit but are, in many cases, performed for Council related programs or activities by a third party (for example, invitations to a prize ceremony at Rideau Hall, invitations to submit a nomination for a prize). Consent will be requested;
- Contact information that is provided during the Arts Tracking system (ATS) registration online process is used by the Canada Council’s technical staff to identify and contact users when routine systems monitoring reveals that they may require technical assistance;
- The peer assessor nomination and registration is stored in ATS, to identify, select and communicate with prospective peer assessors;
- share information with other government departments, organizations and contractors with whom the Canada Council has a data sharing agreement.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Program grant files are arranged in groups based on competition. Applications, in particular, cases are retained for longer periods for business purposes.
RDA Number: 2002/009
Related Record Number: CC ART 020, CC ART 021, CC ART 022, CC ART 005. CC ART 015, CC ART 016, CC ART 018, CC OUT 007
TBS Registration: 004244
Bank Number: CC PPU 020
Aboriginal Arts
In collaboration with the Aboriginal Arts Advisory Committee and with all sections of the Canada Council, it is responsible for developing programs, strategic initiatives, and strong networks with Canada’s Aboriginal arts and cultural community to support Aboriginal Peoples artistic practices in all arts disciplines.
Aboriginal Application and Granting Process - Class of Records
Description: Includes records related to Canadian professional Aboriginal artists who have applied for aboriginal artistic practices support or travel grants, and Aboriginal arts organizations who have applied for capacity building or collaborative exchange both nationally or internationally. Includes records related to activities of the granting process and funding decisions, the peer assessment process, strategic initiatives and advisory committees. Records may include information on program development, liaison activities with the arts community, working files, mailing lists, voluntary self-identification information.
Document Types: Funding guidelines, applications to competitions, eligibility checklist, application support material (may include copyright or intellectual property materials), education and professional experience, letters of support or recommendation, applicant financial information, notifications of decision and final reports (when funded). Peer assessor conflict of interest disclosures, external assessments, peer assessment overview reports and recommendations, and section reports to the Board, briefing notes, agendas and minutes, reports or correspondence with other Government Departments or agencies, travel reports, activity reports for public outreach; and completed self-identification forms.
Record Number: CC ART 018
Individuals' Arts Grant Files – Personal Information Bank
Description: Contains correspondence relating to the application with supporting data which includes the name, address, phone, fax, email of each candidate applying for a grant, as well as the adjudication result and details of payment and social insurance number if a grant is awarded. The files are organized numerically according to the program and discipline.
Class of Individuals: Individual artists.
Purpose: Contains files of artists who have applied for a grant.
Consistent Uses: Used in the adjudication process of grant requests and to provide data for statistical analysis
Retention and Disposal Standards: Unsuccessful grant applications are retained for a period of 3 years following last activity and are then destroyed. Successful grant files are retained for a period of 20 years following last activity and are then disposed of in accordance with the standards set by Library and Archives Canada.
RDA Number: 83/038
Related Record Number: CC ART 015, CC ART 018, CC ART 016, CC OUT 007, CC PPU 020
TBS Registration: 000313
Bank Number: CC PPU 115 -
Arts Organizations/Companies' Grant Files – Personal Information Bank
Description: Arts organizations and companies' grant files containing correspondence relating to the application with supporting data, financial information, the adjudication result and details of payment if a grant is awarded. Files may also contain artistic assessments. The files are organized numerically according to the program and discipline.
Class of Individuals: Arts organizations and companies in the following disciplines: Audience and Market Development, Dance, Inter-Arts, Media Arts, Music, Theatre, Visual Arts, and Writing and Publishing Sections.
Purpose: Contains files of arts organizations and companies who have applied for a grant to the various programs at the Canada Council for the Arts.
Consistent Uses: The files are used in the adjudication process of grant requests.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Grant application files are retained at the Council for unsuccessful applications are retained for a period of 3 years following last activity and are then destroyed. Successful grant files are retained for a period of 20 years following last activity and are then disposed of in accordance with the standards set by Library and Archives Canada.
RDA Number: 83/038
Related Record Number: CC ART 015, CC ART 018, CC ART 016, CC OUT 007, CC PPU 020
TBS Registration: 001648
Bank Number: CC PPU 130 -
Voluntary Self-identification - Personal Information Bank
Description: The records containing the information described in this bank include personal information provided voluntarily by applicants and potential peer assessors such as name, year of birth, contact information, citizenship status, language, gender, equity information, which is collected by means of an online questionnaire into an automated data system.
Class of individuals: Individual artists and artistic groups applying to Canada Council funding programs, nominees, and individuals who provide assessments, and potential or active peer assessors.
Purpose: Individuals have the opportunity to self-identify and as a result may have access to particular funding opportunities that advance their artistic practices and sectors. The personal information provides direction for the Equity Priority, the Strategic Funds and the goals of the Strategic Plan in the targeted support of artists and organizations working in their official language within an Official-language minority community; identify artists and organizations, due to geography, cultural and linguistic differences, or disability, in need of targeted support to flourish and succeed. Strategic Funds operate alongside the granting programs and require voluntary self-identification to facilitate the delivery of Strategic Funds.
Consistent Uses: The information gathered will be used for institutional purposes to:
- advance Strategic plan and equity commitments;
- generate statistics that will measure the effectiveness of support for activities or applicants that are targeted by strategic funds;
- ensure peer assessment and advisory committees composition achieves a balance of participation over time;
- design, review and evaluation of its programs;
- report to the Canada Council Board and committees;
- share information with other government departments, organizations and contractors with whom the Canada Council has a data sharing agreement;
- disclosure of names and email addresses for specific activities related to prize promotion and celebrations. These are usually the responsibility of the Prizes unit but are, in many cases, performed for Council related programs or activities by a third party (for example, invitations to a prize ceremony at Rideau Hall, invitations to submit a nomination for a prize). Consent will be requested;
Retention and Disposition Standards: Completed forms are retained for 2 years and are then disposed of in accordance with the standards set by Library and Archives Canada.
RDA Number: 2017/015
Related Record Number: CC ART 020, CC ART 021, CC ART 022, CC ART 005, CC ART 015, CC ART 016, CC ART 018, CC OUT 007
TBS Registration: TBD
Bank Number: CC PPU 203 -
Arts Tracking System (ATS) - Personal Information Bank
Description: Arts Tracking system (ATS) is a corporate database system used for the Canada Council's operations and activities that contains electronic records supporting the Canada Council's business functions, programs, prizes and activities throughout its life-cycle. It provides a single repository for: applicant registration and peer assessor management; the control and monitoring of disbursements to, and accounts receivable from, individual and artistic institutions grant holders; and the mailing lists for the distribution of information about the Canada Council. This data may include the individual’s name, contact information, year of birth, gender, language, citizenship, biographical information. A contact identification number permanently identifies each registered applicant or contact. For successful applicants, the following information about an individual is captured: social insurance number, financial information for funds committed. For mailing purposes, the names and contact information are either provided directly by individuals or obtained from artistic institutions, through employee and board of directors listings, or reference material commonly available in libraries. ATS is linked to the portal, the CADAC (Canadian Arts Data / Données sur les arts au Canada) for arts organizations applying for core funding, the Financial Management System and the Information Management System. Each record has a unique reference number which identifies a contact
Class of Individuals: Canada Council clients such as: applicant registering an application; assessor acting in a Peer Assessment Committee, or external assessment; art organizations’ personnel and board members; nominees; Members of Parliament; Canadian federal, provincial and municipal government staff; media contacts; mailing contacts; and Canada Council advisory committee members and Board members, and Council staff for internal assessment purposes.
Purpose: The information is used to determine eligibility for and administration of its funding programs, to identify and select prospective peer assessors, and to serve as a pool of potential disciplinary advisory committee members; for administrative and financial control and reporting; to issue T4A slips (Income Tax Act, paragraph 237 (1)(b)), using the applicant’s social insurance number; to publish and disseminate Canada Council’s application guidelines; and for public relations purposes. Personal information is collected pursuant to subsection 8(1) of the Canada Council for the Arts Act.
Consistent Uses: Consistent with this purpose, personal information held by the Canada Council may be used and disclosed in the following ways:
- As part of the peer assessment process, applications are disclosed to peer assessor committees composed of professional experts recruited from the artistic community, in the private and public sectors. In some programs, applications may also be reviewed by external assessors, members of ad hoc review committees or internal committees. A summation of Peer assessor discussions are accessible to applicants upon request;
- to identify prospective peer assessor committee members and external assessors to review grant applications;
- in consultation with other federal, provincial or municipal funding agencies to determine the most appropriate review mechanism or source of funding. In some cases, where applications are deemed to be more appropriately supported by another funding agency, and the complete applications may then be transferred to expedite the review process;
- Information submitted to programs in which the Council maintains a partnership may be used and disclosed consistent with that program guideline as required;
- to proactively publish and disseminate certain details about grant recipients. These include the name of the applicant, city, province, census area, riding, award type, amount awarded, the fields of practice and the project title, submitted by the applicant for public reference;
- for program planning, evaluation and review, in audits, and for generating statistics for these activities;
- to generate mailing lists in order to disseminate its publications, surveys and other information to the artistic community;
- disclosure of names and email addresses for specific activities related to prize promotion and celebrations. These are usually the responsibility of the Prizes unit but are, in many cases, performed for Council related programs or activities by a third party (for example, invitations to a prize ceremony at Rideau Hall, invitations to submit a nomination for a prize). Consent will be requested;
- Contact information that is provided during the Arts Tracking system (ATS) registration online process is used by the Canada Council’s technical staff to identify and contact users when routine systems monitoring reveals that they may require technical assistance;
- The peer assessor nomination and registration is stored in ATS, to identify, select and communicate with prospective peer assessors;
- share information with other government departments, organizations and contractors with whom the Canada Council has a data sharing agreement.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Program grant files are arranged in groups based on competition. Applications, in particular, cases are retained for longer periods for business purposes.
RDA Number: 2002/009
Related Record Number: CC ART 020, CC ART 021, CC ART 022, CC ART 005. CC ART 015, CC ART 016, CC ART 018, CC OUT 007
TBS Registration: 004244
Bank Number: CC PPU 020
Arts promotion
To encompass all activities within the organization for the promotion of arts at the national and international levels including partnerships and networks with multiple stakeholders, rental of art works, recognizing artistic excellence with our different prizes.
Audience and Market Development
The Audience and Market development section's objective is developing new audiences and markets for their work on a national and international level. The Audience and Market Development program and services work across the disciplines and in collaboration with the sections to develop a cohesive approach to increase touring, exhibition and performance possibilities for Canadian artists.
Audience and Market Development Application and Granting Process - Class of Records
Description: Includes records related to Canadian professional artists, agents and managers who have applied for multi-year and annual funding or travel, and arts organizations who have applied for organizational development assistance. Includes records related to activities of the granting process, eligibility determinations and funding decisions, the application assessment process and strategic initiatives. Records may include information on program design and development, liaison activities with the arts community, working files, mailing lists, voluntary self-identification information, performing arts directory and publications.
Document Types: Funding guidelines, applications to competitions, eligibility checklist, application support material (may include copyright or intellectual property materials), education and professional experience, letters of support or recommendation, applicant financial information, notifications of decision and final reports (when funded). Peer assessor conflict of interest disclosures, external assessments, peer assessment overview reports and recommendations, and section reports to the Board, briefing notes, agendas and minutes, reports or correspondence with other Government Departments or agencies, travel reports, activity reports for public outreach and lists of contacts and resources; and completed self-identification forms.
Record Number: CC OUT 007
Individuals' Arts Grant Files – Personal Information Bank
Description: Contains correspondence relating to the application with supporting data which includes the name, address, phone, fax, email of each candidate applying for a grant, as well as the adjudication result and details of payment and social insurance number if a grant is awarded. The files are organized numerically according to the program and discipline.
Class of Individuals: Individual artists.
Purpose: Contains files of artists who have applied for a grant.
Consistent Uses: Used in the adjudication process of grant requests and to provide data for statistical analysis
Retention and Disposal Standards: Unsuccessful grant applications are retained for a period of 3 years following last activity and are then destroyed. Successful grant files are retained for a period of 20 years following last activity and are then disposed of in accordance with the standards set by Library and Archives Canada.
RDA Number: 83/038
Related Record Number: CC ART 015, CC ART 018, CC ART 016, CC OUT 007
TBS Registration: 000313
Bank Number: CC PPU 115 -
Arts Organizations/Companies' Grant Files – Personal Information Bank
Description: Arts organizations and companies' grant files containing correspondence relating to the application with supporting data, financial information, the adjudication result and details of payment if a grant is awarded. Files may also contain artistic assessments. The files are organized numerically according to the program and discipline.
Class of Individuals: Arts organizations and companies in the following disciplines: Audience and Market Development, Dance, Inter-Arts, Media Arts, Music, Theatre, Visual Arts, and Writing and Publishing Sections. Purpose: Contains files of arts organizations and companies who have applied for a grant to the various programs at the Canada Council for the Arts.
Consistent Uses: The files are used in the adjudication process of grant requests.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Grant application files are retained at the Council for unsuccessful applications are retained for a period of 3 years following last activity and are then destroyed. Successful grant files are retained for a period of 20 years following last activity and are then disposed of in accordance with the standards set by Library and Archives Canada.
RDA Number: 83/038
Related Record Number: CC ART 015, CC ART 018, CC ART 016, CC OUT 007
TBS Registration: 001648
Bank Number: CC PPU 130 -
Arts Tracking System (ATS) - Personal Information Bank
Description: Arts Tracking system (ATS) is a corporate database system used for the Canada Council's operations and activities that contains electronic records supporting the Canada Council's business functions, programs, prizes and activities throughout its life-cycle. It provides a single repository for: applicant registration and peer assessor management; the control and monitoring of disbursements to, and accounts receivable from, individual and artistic institutions grant holders; and the mailing lists for the distribution of information about the Canada Council. This data may include the individual’s name, contact information, year of birth, gender, language, citizenship, biographical information. A contact identification number permanently identifies each registered applicant or contact. For successful applicants, the following information about an individual is captured: social insurance number, financial information for funds committed. For mailing purposes, the names and contact information are either provided directly by individuals or obtained from artistic institutions, through employee and board of directors listings, or reference material commonly available in libraries. ATS is linked to the portal, the CADAC (Canadian Arts Data / Données sur les arts au Canada) for arts organizations applying for core funding, the Financial Management System and the Information Management System. Each record has a unique reference number which identifies a contact
Class of Individuals: Canada Council clients such as: applicant registering an application; assessor acting in a Peer Assessment Committee, or external assessment; art organizations’ personnel and board members; nominees; Members of Parliament; Canadian federal, provincial and municipal government staff; media contacts; mailing contacts; and Canada Council advisory committee members and Board members, and Council staff for internal assessment purposes.
Purpose: The information is used to determine eligibility for and administration of its funding programs, to identify and select prospective peer assessors, and to serve as a pool of potential disciplinary advisory committee members; for administrative and financial control and reporting; to issue T4A slips (Income Tax Act, paragraph 237 (1)(b)), using the applicant’s social insurance number; to publish and disseminate Canada Council’s application guidelines; and for public relations purposes. Personal information is collected pursuant to subsection 8(1) of the Canada Council for the Arts Act.
Consistent Uses: Consistent with this purpose, personal information held by the Canada Council may be used and disclosed in the following ways:
- As part of the peer assessment process, applications are disclosed to peer assessor committees composed of professional experts recruited from the artistic community, in the private and public sectors. In some programs, applications may also be reviewed by external assessors, members of ad hoc review committees or internal committees. A summation of Peer assessor discussions are accessible to applicants upon request;
- to identify prospective peer assessor committee members and external assessors to review grant applications;
- in consultation with other federal, provincial or municipal funding agencies to determine the most appropriate review mechanism or source of funding. In some cases, where applications are deemed to be more appropriately supported by another funding agency, and the complete applications may then be transferred to expedite the review process;
- Information submitted to programs in which the Council maintains a partnership may be used and disclosed consistent with that program guideline as required;
- to proactively publish and disseminate certain details about grant recipients. These include the name of the applicant, city, province, census area, riding, award type, amount awarded, the fields of practice and the project title, submitted by the applicant for public reference;
- for program planning, evaluation and review, in audits, and for generating statistics for these activities;
- to generate mailing lists in order to disseminate its publications, surveys and other information to the artistic community;
- disclosure of names and email addresses for specific activities related to prize promotion and celebrations. These are usually the responsibility of the Prizes unit but are, in many cases, performed for Council related programs or activities by a third party (for example, invitations to a prize ceremony at Rideau Hall, invitations to submit a nomination for a prize). Consent will be requested;
- Contact information that is provided during the Arts Tracking system (ATS) registration online process is used by the Canada Council’s technical staff to identify and contact users when routine systems monitoring reveals that they may require technical assistance;
- The peer assessor nomination and registration is stored in ATS, to identify, select and communicate with prospective peer assessors;
- share information with other government departments, organizations and contractors with whom the Canada Council has a data sharing agreement.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Program grant files are arranged in groups based on competition. Applications, in particular, cases are retained for longer periods for business purposes.
RDA Number: 2002/009
Related Record Number: CC ART 020, CC ART 021, CC ART 022, CC ART 005. CC ART 015, CC ART 016, CC ART 018, CC OUT 007
TBS Registration: 004244
Bank Number: CC PPU 020
Partnership and Networks and Arts Promotion
To collaborate to develop strategies for development and promotion of the arts with the arts community, the media, governments, other arts funders, Parliamentarians, and individuals and organizations in other sectors and professions on a national and international level. The Canada Council for the Arts promotes the value the arts brings to Canadians, connecting arts organizations and artists with audiences and finding ways to engage the public in the arts. This approach is focused on partnerships with other funders, arts organizations and artists on pilot projects.
Promotional Activities - Class of Records
Description: Includes records related to partnership activities and network member meetings held in collaboration with other arts funders or government departments. It also includes records related to commissioned research for arts funding; professional artistic competencies and development; capacity building; and arts promotion at the national and international levels. May also include records related to Canadian professional artists who have applied for pilot project support or collaborative and collective projects, and arts organizations who have applied for pilot projects and community collaborations. Records may include information on granting process activities, eligibility, the application assessment process, determinations and funding decisions. It may also include records on strategic initiatives and the arts promotion kit.
Document Types: Funding guidelines, applications to competitions, Memorandums of Understanding and partnership agreements; agendas and minutes of meetings; policies, project proposals, surveys and data, questionnaires, reports, correspondence, visitation information and documents related to liaison and cooperation work with other arts funders and government departments, proposals. Peer assessor conflict of interest disclosures, external assessments, peer assessment overview reports and recommendations, and section reports to the Board, and briefing notes.
Record Number: CC PNAP 001
Art Bank
Repurchase Program – Personal Information Bank
Description: This program was cancelled in 1996 and reinstated in 2001 for a period of six months. The purpose of these files is to maintain a record of artists' requests to repurchase works of art originally sold to the art bank. Financial transactions are also recorded in these files. It contains letters of application from artists or their dealers, details of repurchase costs, invoices, correspondence to artists informing them of the art bank decision and copies of cheques.
Class of Individuals: Individual artists.
Purpose: The bank contains records on the repurchase program and the number of works each artist has requested for repurchase.
Consistent Uses: Contains files of artists who have requested to repurchase their works of art originally sold to the art bank.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Records are retained for 6 years after the last action and are then disposed of in accordance with the standards set by Library and Archives Canada.
RDA Number: 2002/009
Related Record Number: CC ART 001
TBS Registration: 003285
Bank Number: CC PPU 070
Internal services
Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Acquisitions; Communications Services; Financial Management; Human Resources Management; Information Management; Information Technology; Legal Services; Management and Oversight Services; Material; Real Property; Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.
Acquisition Services involve activities undertaken to acquire a good or service to fulfil a properly completed request (including a complete and accurate definition of requirements and certification that funds are available) until entering into or amending a contract.
Communications Services
Communications Services involve activities undertaken to ensure that Government of Canada communications are effectively managed, well-coordinated and responsive to the diverse information needs of the public. The communications management function ensures that the public – internal or external – receives government information, and that the views and concerns of the public are taken into account in the planning, management and evaluation of policies, programs, services and initiatives.
Financial Management
Financial Management Services involve activities undertaken to ensure the prudent use of public resources, including planning, budgeting, accounting, reporting, control and oversight, analysis, decision support and advice, and financial systems.
Human Resources Management
Human Resources Management Services involve activities undertaken for determining strategic direction, allocating resources among services and processes, as well as activities relating to analyzing exposure to risk and determining appropriate countermeasures. They ensure that the service operations and programs of the federal government comply with applicable laws, regulations, policies, and/or plans.
- Awards (Pride and Recognition) Class of Record
- Classification of Positions Class of Record
- Compensation and Benefits Class of Record
- Employment Equity and Diversity Class of Record
- Hospitality Class of Record
- Human Resources Planning Class of Record
- Labour Relations Class of Record
- Canadian Human Rights Act – Complaints Personal Information Bank
- Discipline Personal Information Bank
- Grievances Personal Information Bank
- Harassment Personal Information Bank
- Disclosure of Wrongdoing in the Workplace Personal Information Bank
- Values and Ethics Codes for the Public Sector and Organizational Code(s) of Conduct Personal Information Bank
- Occupational Health and Safety Class of Record
- Official Languages Class of Record
- Performance Management Reviews Class of Record
- Recruitment and Staffing Class of Record
- Applications for Employment Personal Information Bank
- Employee Personnel Record Personal Information Bank
- EX Talent Management Personal Information Bank
- Personnel Security Screening Personal Information Bank
- Staffing Personal Information Bank
- Values and Ethics Codes for the Public Sector and Organizational Code(s) of Conduct Personal Information Bank
- Relocation Class of Record
- Training and Development Class of Record
Information Management
Information Management Services involve activities undertaken to achieve efficient and effective information management to support program and service delivery; foster informed decision making; facilitate accountability, transparency, and collaboration; and preserve and ensure access to information and records for the benefit of present and future generations.
Information Technology
Information Technology Services involve activities undertaken to achieve efficient and effective use of information technology to support government priorities and program delivery, to increase productivity, and to enhance services to the public.
Legal services
Legal services involve activities undertaken to enable government departments and agencies to pursue policy, program and service delivery priorities and objectives within a legally sound framework.
Management and Oversight Services
Management and Oversight Services involve activities undertaken for determining strategic direction, and allocating resources among services and processes, as well as those activities related to analyzing exposure to risk and determining appropriate countermeasures. They ensure that the service operations and programs of the federal government comply with applicable laws, regulations, policies, and/or plans.
- Cooperation and Liaison Class of Record
- Executive Services Class of Record
- Internal Audit and Evaluation Class of Record
- Planning and Reporting Class of Record
Material Services involve activities undertaken to ensure that material can be managed by departments in a sustainable and financially responsible manner that supports the cost-effective and efficient delivery of government programs.
Real Property
Real Property Services involve activities undertaken to ensure real property is managed in a sustainable and financially responsible manner, throughout its life cycle, to support the cost-effective and efficient delivery of government programs.
Travel and Other Administrative Services
Travel and Other Administrative Services include Government of Canada travel services, as well as those other internal services that do not smoothly fit with any of the internal services categories.
- Administrative Services Class of Record
- Boards, Committees and Council Class of Record
- Business Continuity Planning Class of Record
- Disclosure to Investigative Bodies Class of Record
- Proactive Disclosure Class of Record
- Security Class of Record
- Identification Cards and Access Badges Personal Information Bank
- Disclosure of Wrongdoing in the Workplace Personal Information Bank
- Personnel Security Screening Personal Information Bank
- Security Incidents and Privacy Breaches Personal Information Bank
- Security Video Surveillance and Temporary Visitor Access Control Logs and Building Passes Personal Information Bank
- Travel Class of Record
Classes of personal information
The personal information contained in this class is distributed across a wide range of subject files. It is not used for administrative or operational purposes, and is normally neither arranged nor retrieved by personal identifiers. The most common types of personal information contained in this class are name, address, and, in some cases, affiliation, educational background and experience. The information was collected through general enquiries, complaints, requests for grant application forms, personal views, unsolicited opinions, and complaints directed by the public to the Canada Council for the Arts. Individuals wishing to access information relating to themselves should provide specific details regarding the institute, branch, or individual to whom the correspondence was addressed; the approximate date of the correspondence; the subject matter; the name of the program (if applicable); and the file reference number, if available.
The retention periods associated with this class of personal information are consistent with those associated with the general subject files in which the information is stored.
- Canada Council for the Arts Granting Policy
- Canada Council for the Arts Equity Policy
- Expanding the Arts: Deaf and Disability Arts, Access and Equality Strategy Guidebook for Canada Council Staff
- Operational Policies of the Arts Granting Programs Division
Additional Information
Please see the Access to Information and Privacy Acts for information on access procedures under the provisions of the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act. To make a formal request, mail your letter or Access to Information Request Form [PDF, 246.8 KB] (Access to Information Act) or Personal Information Request Form [PDF, 244.9 KB] (Privacy Act), along with any necessary documents (such as consent or the $5.00 application fee for a request under the Access to Information Act) to the following address:
Manager, Information Management
Canada Council for the Arts
150 Elgin Street, P.O. Box 1047
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5V8
Telephone: (613) 566-4414, ext. 4696
Toll free: 1-800-263-5588, ext. 4696
Facsimile (613) 566-4390
Please note: Each request made to the Canada Council under the Access to Information Act must be accompanied by an application fee of $5.00, cheque or money order made payable to the “Canada Council for the Arts”.
The Government of Canada encourages the release of information through informal requests. The Canada Council posts monthly a list of requests processed under the Access to Information Act. You may consult the list of completed Access to Information requests and make a request for released records at the above noted address or at For general information on the Canada Council, you may contact:
Granting Programs Operations, Operations Officers
Canada Council for the Arts
150 Elgin Street P.O. Box 1047
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5V8
Telephone: (613) 566-4414 ext. 5060
Toll free: 1-800-263-5588, ext. 5060
Facsimile (613) 566-4390
For people who are Deaf, hard of hearing, or TTY users, please use your preferred MRS (Message Relay Service) or IP service to contact us.
Reading Room
In accordance with the Access to Information Act and Privacy Act, an area on the premises will be made available should you wish to review materials on site. The address is:
150 Elgin Street
Ottawa, Ontario