Arts Support
Our increased support for the arts responded to the evolution of artistic creation, engaged increasingly diverse audiences and fostered renewal and growth.
Overall result
With our commitment to increase support for the arts, we helped galvanize artistic research and development and the emergence and visibility of the next generation of artists. We also increased our support to artists, collectives and organizations in their work towards artistic excellence and greater engagement in the arts by Canada’s increasingly diverse audiences. We achieved this split between project and core funding and surpassed our goal to ensure that 25% of our new funds reached new recipients.
Targets and investments

This infographic shows the Council’s percentage split between its project and core funding in 2020–21.
- Split between project and core funding in 2020–21: 54.2% to project funding and 45.8% to core funding
- Baseline of split in 2015–16: 36% to project funding and 64% to core funding
- Final status: Achieved

This infographic shows the Council’s planned and actual investment of new funds granted to new recipients.
- Actual investment of new funds to new recipients as of 2020–21: $271.6 million
- Target investment of new funds to new recipients by 2020–21: $137.5 million
- Final status: Surpassed
Equity and inclusion in the granting programs and strategic funds
From 2016–17 to 2020–21, core funding to:
- Indigenous organizations increased almost threefold from $1.5 million to $4.3 million
- culturally diverse organizations increased more than double from $3.9 million to $8.1 million
- Deaf and disability arts organizations increased almost sixfold from $170,000 to $960,000
- anglophone official language minority (OLM) organizations increased almost double from $2.2 million to $4 million
- francophone OLM organizations increased almost double from $2.2 million to $3.9 million
17,925 creators strong
The Public Lending Right (PLR) Program distributed an additional $5 million in yearly payments (compared to 2017–18) to creators whose works are in Canada’s public libraries. This means the PLR’s budget, which is now close to $15 million, has increased by 50%.
In 2020–21, the Program delivered $14.8 million in payments to 17,925 authors—including new authors, new titles and, for the first time this year, creators of audiobooks held in public libraries.
Expanded outreach
Working with local partners, the Council held 60 outreach activities in communities across Canada. This included information sessions and workshops to help artists and arts organizations understand the Council’s programs and application process.
Among these outreach activities, the Council hosted multi-day Collab sessions in Ontario and British Columbia to help new and early career artists apply for their first grant from the Council or improve their next application. After these sessions, more than 95% of attendees reported that they felt better prepared to apply for a grant from the Council in the future.
Learn more about our commitments

Annual Report
The Canada Council for the Arts issues an Annual Report that details its activities and work towards its strategic plan commitments. The Report touches on the Council’s major accomplishments and initiatives, as well as the contributions of artists and organizations that bring these accomplishments to life. The Annual Report affirms the importance, necessity and impact of public arts funding for Canadians.