Opening Doors to Canadian Arts Data
It’s been almost a year since the Canada Council for the Arts released its first open data to the public on Stats and Stories and the response was enthusiastic, with many users engaging with the data. Some users sent us graphics and charts that they created from the open data files. Others used the data to do some art research on specifics areas such as performing arts and translation. And, in a more simple way, some consulted the data to find out who in their communities received a grant.
Moving forward, we’re committed to regularly posting new data sets for public use. Our latest initiative is to release quarterly listings of grant recipients through the Disclosure of Grant and Prize Recipients tool. Our latest complete dataset of 2015-16 grant recipients is now available in the Open Data tables (in Excel and CSV) on Stats and Stories by clicking on the “Explore our Data” button.
Let us know!
If you’ve used our data let us know and we will select a few examples to share with Canadians through social media. We want to celebrate the open data community! Send us an email (research@canadacouncil.ca), tweet at us or share with us on Facebook.
Understanding Open Data
What is Open Data?
Open Data, Open Information, and Open Dialogue – these are all ways of saying that you can have access to our data. More access to data means more transparency and accountability, more citizen engagement, and greater innovation and economic opportunities. Sharing information is directly in line with the Government of Canada’s initiative to work with the national and international open government community.
Your access to our information
We can now offer the public detailed statistical data regarding our grant recipients in formatted Excel documents and in a machine readable format (.csv). This means the data can be sorted by programs, regions (e.g. community and federal riding) and can also be added to other databases on arts and culture activities and organizations in Canada. This is exciting news for researchers, arts organizations, funders and many others: this information will help them to have a better picture of a specific reality, activity or practice.
Capturing our impact your way
Our downloadable tables Stats and Stories align with international open data standards and include information on each grant recipient, including geography, program, discipline and equity groups for organizations. In addition to grant figures, you can find information on Canada Council Art Bank purchases, Canadian Commission for UNESCO and Special Funds (endowed prizes, Killam Research Fellowships and Prizes and the Japan-Canada Fund).