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The Value of Presenting: A Study of Performing Arts Presentation

April 30, 2013

The Value of Presenting: A Study of Performing Arts Presentation in Canada commissioned by CAPACOA is the culmination of two years of intensive action research, which involved two pan-Canadian surveys, and consultations of more than 1,000 stakeholders.

This report includes a comprehensive historical and contemporary overview of the performing arts ecosystem. It reveals that performing arts are valued by the vast majority of Canadians – across socio-economic differences – and it provides a new perspective on younger Canadians’ interest in live performing arts. Most importantly, the study identifies a broad range of public benefits associated with performing arts presentation, including better health and well-being, greater energy and vitality in communities, and a more caring and cohesive society.

The project description as well as a literature review is available on the website launched by CAPACOA.

You can also explore this valuable information through "The Performing Arts Presentation" on the Canadian Atlas Online.