Deantha Edmunds
Program and component
Creating, Knowing and Sharing, Short-Term Projects
St. John’s, Newfoundland
Field of practice
Grant amount
Fiscal year
A Unique Opera Experience That Highlights Inuit Legends and Musical Traditions

Inuk classical singer Deantha Edmunds is creating Ingutak, a one-of-a-kind opera in Canada that will inspire audiences to embrace diverse and challenging cultural experiences.
Defining what Canadian opera looks and sounds like
St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador, resident Deantha Edmunds is the first and only Inuk classical soloist and recording artist in Canada. Written by Edmunds, Ingutak is the story of an urban Inuk woman who was adopted and raised by a non-Indigenous family in the South. Through a journey of self-discovery, she reconnects with her land, culture and community. Sung in English and Inuktitut, Ingutak delves into traditional Inuit legend and confronts contemporary issues that resonate with Indigenous people.
Opera from an Indigenous perspective
Historically, Indigenous artists have lacked full creative autonomy over their own stories in the operatic medium. Edmunds’ Ingutak is a Canadian opera completely owned, developed and directed by Indigenous creators. Inuit Elders, knowledge-keepers, artists and heritage teachers from Nunatsiavut—an autonomous Inuit region in northern Labrador—will also collaborate on the project and contribute to the growing body of distinct and engaging music emerging from Indigenous people across Canada.