Stats and Stories
Our grants making a difference

Tanya Evanson-Arsiray

Program and component
Explore and Create, Research and Creation

Montréal, Quebec

Field of practice

Grant amount

Fiscal year

Grant Helps Artist Explore Aging and the Anthropocene Through an Afrofuturist Lens

A woman onstage in front of a mic.
Tanya Evanson performing at the Aké Arts & Book Festival, Abeokuta, Lagos State, Nigeria, 2019

Tanya Evanson-Arsiray has been called Canada’s rising star in poetry and musical performance and one of Canada’s best-kept secrets. Her next fascinating project will juxtapose middle age and geological age.

Addressing the future through the personal and the political

The Anthropocene, the current geological age, is a period in which human activity has been the dominant influence on the environment. Evanson-Arsiray is spending a year researching ideas connected to the Anthropocene to develop a project that would be ready for performance near the end of 2021. She will ponder questions like: Do we really face the extinction of half of all plants and animals? What are the signs of distress in our own backyards? How do we manage what’s left?

A deep, sonic exploration of Black identity, aging, and the environment

At the same time, she will ask herself several personal questions, like: What are the stories around my own Black body as it enters middle age? How do family dynamics change when a child must care for an aging parent? How can one live responsibly to ensure energy and long life? Her twin investigation of aging and the environment will culminate in a series of live performances featuring composed music, original digital art, projection mapping, and theatrical lighting to create an immersive Afrofuturist space.


Tagged As Stats and Stories Explore and Create Literature Research and Creation Quebec