Close-up of a camera lens.


Stats and Stories
Our grants making a difference

Island Media Arts Coop (now called FilmPEI)

Program and component
Supporting Artistic Practice, Sector Innovation and Development

Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island

Field of practice
Media Arts

Grant amount

Fiscal year

FilmPEI Is Supporting the Emergence of New Indigenous Filmmakers

Concerned with the development of independent filmmaking on Prince Edward Island, the organization is carrying out an ambitious knowledge transfer program among young Indigenous artists from the Epekwitk community.

Mentorships as a special opportunity for artistic development

According to FilmPEI, the best way to foster the emergence of young Indigenous filmmakers is to provide them with personalized mentorships throughout an entire year. After having enabled artist Patricia Bourque to study with various masters last year, the organization is welcoming her to transmit her newly acquired knowledge to young Mi’kmaq documentary filmmakers in 2019–20. In line with the Mi’kmaq Family PRIDE program, FilmPEI conducts workshops in Lennox, Abegweit and Charlottetown that serve as an immersion in cinematic narration codes for some twenty participants.

Learning about film by and for themselves

To boost Indigenous filmmakers’ confidence and showcase their voices and their own words, FilmPEI favours mentors who are part of the same culture and nation as the mentees. In addition to having this philosophy, the program includes creating documentary films from accounts by the elderly, with a view to archiving and preserving the community’s memory.


Tagged As Stats and Stories Supporting Artistic Practice Sector Innovation and Development Media Arts Prince Edward Island