The Fairy Tales Presentation Society
Program, component and grant amount
Arts Across Canada, Arts Festivals and Presenters, $81,000 over three years
Arts Across Canada, Travel, $1,000
Calgary, Alberta
Field of practice
Media arts
Fiscal year
Fairy Tales energizes the queer-art scene in Calgary and reaches out to Yellowknife.

In addition to its annual May festival of spoken works and LGBTQ films, the Fairy Tales organization is active year-round and now operates outside Alberta.
Disseminating queer art and raising awareness about sexual diversity
Fairy Tales primarily uses its grant to help organize an annual queer-film festival in May in Calgary, much of whose programming also includes spoken-word performances. From 2017 to 2019, the organization is pursuing development of OutReels, its education program about sexual diversity, and is producing The Coming Out Monologues, a series of shows that is very successful in Alberta and across the Prairies in general.
Disseminating queer cinema all the way to the Northwest Territories
In November 2017, Fairy Tales held its very first screening outside Alberta: Two Soft Things, Two Hard Things at the Yellowknife Public Library. The screening, followed by a discussion on Skype with one of the documentary’s protagonists, was the first step of a likely future collaboration with Yellowknife’s LGBTQ cultural milieu, especially the Yellowknife Rainbow Coalition.