Eastern Edge Gallery
Program and component
Explore and create, Artist-Driven Organizations
St. John’s, Newfoundland
Field of practice
Visual arts
Grant amount
$165,000 over two years
Fiscal year
Grant supports Atlantic gallery’s diverse programming
Eastern Edge Gallery is Newfoundland and Labrador’s first artist-run visual arts centre. It shows contemporary Canadian and international art and encourages works that speak to feminist, multicultural, queer and other perspectives.
Programming for Diverse Audiences
Eastern Edge Gallery (EEG) programs exhibitions, lectures, and events that cover a broad range of topics that speak to its diverse audiences. Over the next three years, they will continue to build on ideas and issues explored in earlier years. This includes programming related to Indigenous resistance, feminist and queer art making in the digital age, and the impact of rural experiences on cultural output. They also plan to host an artist and curator residency exchange program that will bring six international Atlantic artists to work alongside six local artists and six curators.
Community Connections Support Programming
In order to ensure their programming speaks to diverse community concerns—including those of the women, Indigenous peoples, and the LGBTQ2IA+ community—EEG will continue to partner with community organizations. This will help them respond to community needs as they arise, broaden their community base, and further the development of a support network with their fellow not-for-profits.