Healey-Willan Prize

2019 Winner
Vancouver Cantata Singers has been awarded the Healey-Willan Prize for best performance in Choral Canada's National Competition for Amateur Choirs.
What is this prize?
The Healey-Willan Prize is awarded for the best performance in the National Competition for Amateur Choirs. The prize is awarded to the choir that distinguishes itself by its musicianship, technique and choice of program.
The competition inspires amateur Canadian choirs to strive for excellence in the creation and performance of Canadian works. Choral Canada, which organizes the competition every other year, receives financial support of $30,000 from the Canada Council to organize and administer this important competition.
Prize amount
How to qualify
Apply to Choral Canada.
For eligibility criteria and further information on the prize, see the Choral Canada website.
See the Choral Canada website.
Who created this prize?
Choral Canada, formerly known as the Association of Canadian Choral Communities, strives to celebrate and promote choral music for all Canadians.
Additional information
Annual competition
Prize amount
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