Coburn Fellowships

The Coburn Fellowships promote exchanges between Canada and Israel.
What is this prize?
The Coburn Fellowships are awarded to one student at the University of Toronto and another at the University of Tel Aviv or the Hebrew University of Jerusalem studying in the fields of fine arts or the humanities for a year of study outside their country (Canada or Israel).
Since 2000, two additional fellowships have been available for a professor from the University of Toronto and another from the University of Tel Aviv for the purposes of a joint research project.
Prize amount
Two fellowships valued at $20,000 each.
How to qualify
Apply to Victoria University in the University of Toronto.
For eligibility criteria and further information on these fellowships, see the Victoria University, in the University of Toronto website
See the Victoria University, in the University of Toronto website.
Who created this prize?
These fellowships are made possible by a bequest from the late Kathleen Coburn, a teacher who graduated from Victoria University in 1928. With this bequest, she wished to encourage outstanding students in the fine arts and humanities to further their knowledge by studying abroad.
Additional information
Annual competition
Prize amount
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