Ontario in Âjagemô
May 3, 2015 — October 31, 2015

Ontario in Âjagemô
Presented in association with the National Art Centre's Ontario Scene.
Ontario boasts a rich history of visual and media arts – due in large part to its size, diversity and vibrant urban centres. But is Ontario art distinct? Do Ontario artists have a single, discernible viewpoint? A unique cultural psychology?
This conversation about the nature of Ontario art comes alive in Ontario in Âjagemô. The exhibition draws on a selection of five decades of works from the Canada Council Art Bank to present a myriad of viewpoints, both unique and personal.
The Canada Council Art Bank collects works by the best Canadian artists of our times. This national collection of over 17,000 works, including some 4000 by Ontario artists, can be seen in public spaces across Canada through the Art Bank’s rental and loan programs.
Jack Bush Erika DeFreitas Sarindar Dhaliwal Rosalie Favell Spring Hurlbut Suzy Lake Ron Martin Meryl McMaster Kent Monkman Norval Morrisseau Leslie Reid Jeff Thomas Pearl Van Geest
Curator's name
Here is the curator text