1. Funding
  2. Prizes
  3. J.B.C. Watkins Awards: Music and Theatre

J.B.C. Watkins Awards: Music and Theatre

Current winner: Mireille Camier

Current winner: Mireille Camier


The J.B.C Watkins Awards are an opportunity for artists to develop their talents in music or theatre and to pursue graduate studies at the international level.

*Prize Currently Suspended*

This prize is currently suspended in Music and Theatre, as the Council is currently reviewing its suite of prizes to better serve our communities and artists. Stay tuned for updates about this prize.

What is this prize?

The J.B.C. Watkins Awards are offered to professional Canadian artists in music and theatre wishing to pursue postgraduate studies outside Canada. Priority is given to studies taking place in Denmark, Norway, Sweden or Iceland.

Prize amount

$5,000 each

How to qualify

This prize is currently under review.



Who created this prize?

These fellowships are funded by a bequest from the late John B.C. Watkins.

Additional information

Competition suspended

Cumulative list of winners


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